does this duckling have a chance?


Sep 7, 2019
about 5-6 hours ago I found a duckling laying down in my pond very close to a nest kicking and trying to move so I picked it up and gave it some water and put it back near the nest but while the mom sat on her nest he laid about 2 feet away sometimes still and quiet and sometimes kicking and peeping
He can't stand up and can barely lift its head and constantly shakes and also rarely opens its eyes

I do have an incubator if needed

Also he looks wet but he is dry and cripy
about 5-6 hours ago I found a duckling laying down in my pond very close to a nest kicking and trying to move so I picked it up and gave it some water and put it back near the nest but while the mom sat on her nest he laid about 2 feet away sometimes still and quiet and sometimes kicking and peeping
He can't stand up and can barely lift its head and constantly shakes and also rarely opens its eyes

I do have an incubator if needed
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He might survive but yes he will need to be separated from the mother duck and put under a heat lamp.
He might survive but yes he will need to be separated from the mother duck and put under a heat lamp.
I don't have a heat lamp is an incubator ok? How hot does it have to be? And should I try giving it food and water?
I also don't know what to feed it because my ducks just eat whats in the yard just fine
I don't have a heat lamp is an incubator ok? How hot does it have to be? And should I try giving it food and water?
I also don't know what to feed it because my ducks just eat whats in the yard just fine
Yeah an incubator should work if the temperature is around 95 degrees Fahrenheit. If he will eat then yes I would feed him chick starter food. And definitely give him water.
Yeah an incubator should work if the temperature is around 95 degrees Fahrenheit. If he will eat then yes I would feed him chick starter food. And definitely give him water.
I haven't had ducklings in so long I can check if I have chicken starter if not is there anything else 😬
Well last night he could hardly move and couldn't lift his head more than a second and constantly shaked, and didn't seem to eat or drink when I held him by the food and water.

But this morning he can almost stand perfectly and is starting to walk! He seems to still not eat or drink but I still hope some water is going in when I try and I also add water to the incubator so it is humid but when he walks he seems to fall over and lay down like he is sleeping but then pops back up and then repeats so could he just be too tired?

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