Does this little one seem odd/off?


15 Years
Apr 29, 2009
Wilson, NC
Back story:
We put eggs in the new incubator, along with a small handful of bantam eggs from my girls.
I candled at day 15. Most eggs were too dark to see in to, some of the bantam eggs were no go. One we saw baby kicking and really showing off. Day 21- nothing. Day 23- still nothing. Day 25, I thought I heard peeping, but with hearing issues, I told myself it was a chick outside. My daughter was talking to me and all of a sudden said , "I hear a chick"!
Low and behold, Peeper had pipped. Around 2AM she started screaming, waking me up, my brain said "Must help". I started chipping tiny pieces of shell off with the tweezers, trying to go in a natural zipping pattern.
Toward the end she was able to push her way out and seemed very relieved (well, I was anyway).
She's seems like she's having some trouble straightening out of the curled position from being in the shell extra time. She is not as strong as I would expect and no where near as strong as 24 hour old babies with hens. She also a bit odd shaped.
I haven't seen her eat, but she has pooped. First time, thin white/cream colored liquid, second greenish brown, normal looking. We hold her in one hand while bringing water up to her beak as her neck seems really weak. I feel like she could easily drown with her weak neck. She is not very stable wobbling around and seems strange proportioned with no butt and an extra long neck that is not strong.
Please share any insights, thoughts, experiences or ideas that could help me with this baby.
I don't want to put it in the brooder until I know it can hold it's head up consistently and drink without drowning. I know it also must be lonely. Advice please.
Update** Can a chick be born with wry neck? She seems worse today. Can't lift her head and has it tucked under her belly.
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Sorry about your chick. It does look like wry neck, but the head looks a little large for the body. Besides using the vitamin E, I would also give a little thiamine (B1,) since some types of wry neck can be a thiamine deficiency. Include a tiny bit of egg yolk in her food for selenium.
Sorry about your chick. It does look like wry neck, but the head looks a little large for the body. Besides using the vitamin E, I would also give a little thiamine (B1,) since some types of wry neck can be a thiamine deficiency. Include a tiny bit of egg yolk in her food for selenium.
I don’t think you are supposed to help a chick out if it’s egg. That may be why it’s not strong.... I always leave my hatches completely alone to do their own thing.
At day 25 in the hatch and the fact that it was screaming at 2am, loud enough to wake me without my hearing aids in, I would rather help than hear the baby scream.
Little Peep responded very well to vitamin E and nutri-drench. Within two days she was walking without stumbling backwards and was holding her neck up. She learned to eat and drink on her own, although we still powdered her food and wet it to mush.
We found some silkie babies her same age so she wouldn't be lonely. They all graduated to the brooder in the shed and were doing well. She, being half Serama, was smaller than all but one of the silkies. The tiny silkie died a couple of days ago and we couldn't find Peep this morning.
My daughter asked if she could be under the shavings. I told her that the shavings were just a thin layer, but i would check. Peep was dead and buried in the corner.
Little Peep was a learning experience, but I hope we don't have to go through that again.

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