Dog attack today , wounded girl, advice please


11 Years
Sep 2, 2008
Northern Indiana
Neighbour has a bunch of dogs ( 4) pitt father, terrier mother , 2 offspring grown, which escaped their yard today . I saw them surrounding the chickenyard and started screaming dog! and me and the boys barreled for coop. One of our chickens is a persistant escape artist despite docked feathers and was out , dogs had attacked her. All of her tail & most of her back feathers are gone and she has one puncture wound on her back which is small 1 cm diameter and another large gash wound approx 1/3 inch deep and about 10 cm long. I cleaned wound right away and went and got steri strips , closed the large gash , bacitracin ointment both wounds and covered with a large bandage. She is in house in a rubbermaid tub with bedding , food and water so the others wont mess with her wounds, darkened room. Did seem a bit shocky right afterwards and wanting to hide. Still seems subdued but has eaten & drank some water . This hapened around 3 pm . Anything else I should be doing? Would u give her antibiotics for the bite or not unless it shows signs of infection? Thank you in advance .

( Neighbour took these dogs to the pound today to be put down after this attack as not only did they go after the chicken, they were going after me and my kids as well a neighbour earlier in the day . They had previous killed a cat belonging to another neighbour and attacked yet another neighbours dog a while back too. She said she can't afford anymore fines or vet bills , so thats one good thing that came out of it, the dogs are gone. I think it finally scared her enough that they'd gone after people to be rid of them. I had to fend them off with a golf club and 10 yr old DS bb gun until owner and sheriff arrived)

Edited because I can't type :S
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Wow, good thing the dogs are being taken care of, one thing you don't have to worry about anymore.

It sounds like you did a great job taking care of the chook. I don't have experience with an attack like you did, but from what I've read on here you're doing fine. Keep her inside and protected from others, and so she can calm down. Check her wounds daily, she'll be in shock for a few days at least, clean her wounds and generally just check on her, make sure she's eating and drinking.

Personally, I wouldn't give antibiotics right away unless she's shows infection, take care of her wounds and keeping her calm should be fine for now, and take it day by day and check in here daily to see others advice as she progresses. If she looks like she's in pain maybe an aspirin crushed in her water, (I crush one tablet & mix into 6 cups of water & give her some of that in her water dish) I hope your girl pulls through fine for you, sounds like you're doing a great job!

What a waste with the dogs though, you'd think if you had animals, you'd control them better than leaving them roaming all over till they do something like attack someone's animals or kids then having them destroyed.....people sometimes....
Good Luck!
What Luna/Ginny said.
Also, for shock, electroltyes. Can give a bit of Pedialtye or Gatorade in a pinch. Spritz the stuff on a little watermelon or other fruit if she likes that.
Drop or two of Rescue Remedy in her water may be calming/help with stress.
Make sure antibiotic ointment doesn't have pain relief ingredient.
Anything that will lift her spirits - special treats for example - are good for distracting and uplifting a stressed soul. She may not be ready right away but keep trying.
As you are doing, removing all possible stressors is good. Your reassuring comforting words and TLC will go a very long way.
Hope all will be well.
Thank you for answering .

It is sad for the dogs and not their fault. I was even mad they attacked the chicken , knowing in many dogs , hunting is an instinct , bred in even sometimes as a desired trait. What really tinked me was them going after my kids!! Another neighbour told me today she had seen the owner abuse the dogs so it isn't surprising they are aggressive

She doesnt really act like she is in much pain but I will try some aspirin just in case. I'd rather she suffer as little as possible, poor thing.
i did get lidocaine free ointment , i did know they couldnt have that

Good job!

Poor dear will probably be in pain tomorrow, if not sooner. As long as she is not actively bleeding and you don't suspect internal bleeding, you can give the aspirin water. Fresh batch at least once daily.
It is sad that so many dogs have irresponsible numbskulls as guardians.
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I'm sorry about your incident. If it is true that the owner abused the dogs, then perhaps it is the lesser of two evils to have them put down. I can't help but think that it would have been more poetic justice for the dogs to attack the abuser, though.
I wanted to suggest keeping an eye on the bite wound to make sure it drains. If it scabs over before it has healed inside, it could abscess (not sure if I spelled that right).
Good luck.
If there are any bleeding wounds or if you suspect any internal bleeding, be careful with the aspirin. I think you are doing all you can for her. Good job. It's a shame that the neighbors weren't better caretakers for their dogs, and it's asinine that it took more than one incident for them to wake up.
Neither wound bled hardly at all horsejody and suzannaski, yup u spelled that right. She is doing great today , perky , wants out , eating, laid an egg so I didnt even give her aspirin today . Keeping an eye on the wounds for infection but so far so good. Thanks all

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