dog attack...what to do?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 1, 2008
I'm new here, but wanted to get some advice.
My dog..a Scottie ...managed to get a chicken that squeezed under the fence. The hen lost some feathers and has some puncture wounds on her back and under a wing. She is not bleeding. She is very calm, so I'm sure she is in shock and hurts. I put neosporin on her wounds, put her in a separate pen with a dog carrier/hay, water and food. She ate a couple of bites of bread. She is just sitting in the carrier now.

I've been told to put vinegar in the water? and spray her wounds? Yes?

I know to keep her away from the others so they won't hurt her. How long to keep her away? I have 57 hens and a very happy rooster. lol They are free range and go in the coop at night and I shut them up so nothing gets them. (course Abby got one!) It's been fixed so the can't get in the back yard anymore.

Thanks for any help.
I would just keep her quiet for a couple of days, perhaps add some electrolytes to her water and be sure that she is eating and drinking...maybe a few special treats

Neosporin is great. Just be sure she doesn't have any open wounds that the other hens can see before you put her back....oh...and put her back in the coop at night when everyone is roosting. By morning they won't even realize she's back.
The first thing is to wash out the wounds, then use the neosporin. You also need to keep her warm and quiet and separated until the wounds scab over...
Vinegar in the water is for soft eggshells.
You can use a baby aspirin dissolved in the water for the pain.
Flushing punctures is critical. They also need to heal from the bottom up so you can pull the plugs out of them for a few days. Otherwise they heal over with bacteria inside and you risk infection. I always give antibitocs with dog or cat bites becaue they have so much harmful bacteria in their mouths.

If you purchase neosporin cream instead of ointment it wont ruin the feathers. You can pack the wound with it and it will also keep flies out. Great thing about chickens is they dont wash the stuff off rigth away.

We just did a very large rescue with chickens and ducks a couple weekends ago and dog got into the yard and killed a bunch the night before we got there. I also had to bring home more birds than I care to think about with dog bites. Even though we are a waterfowl rescue i couldnt leave the chickens there. Some were so friendly and beautiful and they were in such bad conditions. No food, mites, lice, dogs eatign them.

I am counting the days to when i get to move and can have chickens. I just think they are the coolest animals ever.
Dogs and cats have clean mouths compared to people, it is why they lick thier own wounds clean. But I would flush the wounds with warm salt water and use a triple antibiotic cream/neosporin etc and keep them warm, dry and away from comotion. She should recover fine. My two little mini doxies used to attack my hens also...finally got them trained not to, but the above treatment worked for my girls.
That is a myth actually. Dogs mouth are not clean. They carry bacteria just like humans do except their strains of bacteria and different and they are deadly to birds, for instance pastuerella (more common in cats). Their licking wounds just stimulates tissue and provides debridement. Most bacteria in dogs mouth doesnt affect humans and that where the myths stem from.

Here are some sources on teh internet you can read up on.

Many people may have heard a myth that dogs' mouths are cleaner than the mouths of human beings. This rumor is likely to stem from the fact that dogs are often seen licking their wounds, which rarely get infected.

However, people who believe that dogs' mouths are cleaner than humans' mouths are greatly mistaken, according to veterinarians who have spoken on the subject. Most humans have a strong belief in good hygiene, and brush their teeth at least once or twice every day. Human mouths rarely come into contact with external bacteria. Dogs' mouths, in contrast, are rarely cleaned in most cases. Dogs also have a tendency to sniff around and eat bacteria-filled waste — including rancid food and feces — whenever they are given the opportunity to do so. Contrary to popular belief, dogs' mouths are far dirtier than the mouths of the typical human being.

The reason that dogs' mouths rarely infect the wounds that they lick is that their licking has the effect of clearing away the dead tissue, similar to the work a surgeon would do to clean out a wound. Even though dogs' mouths are full of bacteria, dog bites do not usually cause infections in humans because most bacteria in dogs is particular to their species. Therefore, even if the dog is infected with a disease, the human is unlikely to catch it. For this reason, it is not especially dangerous to share food with a dog or to kiss dogs' mouths, though neither option is exactly the most hygienic of decisions.

Here is some scientific infromation on pasteurella.

Here is some more info from the Louisiana School of Veterinary Medicine.

I’ve always heard that dogs’ mouths are cleaner than humans. Is this true?
Neither dogs nor cats nor humans have mouths that can even remotely be considered clean. All are filled with bacteria, many of which can cause disease if they enter broken skin. Over 130 disease-causing microbes have been isolated from dog and cat bite wounds.1 Animals’ saliva is also heavily contaminated with bacteria, so a bite may not even be necessary to cause infection; if you have a cut or scratch and allow a pet to lick it, you could be setting yourself up for trouble.

What are the particular dangers from animal bites?
Bites to the hand, whether from cats or dogs, are potentially dangerous because of the structure of the hand. There are many bones, tendons, and joints in the hand and there is less blood circulation in these areas. This makes it harder for the body to fight infection in the hand. Infections that develop in the hand may lead to severe complications, such as osteomyelitis or septic arthritis.

In small children, bites to the face, neck, or head are extremely hazardous. Because their small stature often puts their heads near dogs’ mouths, children are often bitten in these areas. Dog bites can cause fractures of the face and skull and lead to brain and nervous system infections. Dog bites cause, on average, about 15-20 fatalities a year in the United States. Most of these victims are infants and young children.

What kinds of infections can develop?
Many infection-causing bacteria have been isolated from dog and cat bite wounds. The four we discuss here are probably the most significant.

The most common bite-associated infection is caused by a bacterium called Pasteurella. Most cats and dogs—even healthy ones—naturally carry this organism in their mouths. When an animal bites a person (or another animal), these bacteria can enter the wound and start an infection. The first signs of pasteurellosis usually occur within 2 to 12 hours of the bite and include pain, reddening, and swelling of the area around the site of the bite. Pasteurellosis can progress quickly, spreading toward the body from the bitten area. It is important that you seek medical care immediately if these symptoms occur. Untreated, this infection can lead to severe complications. Bites to the hand need special attention; if pasteurellosis develops in the tissues of the hand, the bacteria can infect tendons or even bones and sometimes cause permanent damage if appropriate medical care is not administered promptly.

Streptococcal and Staphylococcal Infections.
These bacteria can cause infections similar to those caused by Pasteurella. Redness and painful swelling occur at or near the site of the bite and progress toward the body. As with pasteurellosis, you should seek prompt medical care if these symptoms develop.

Capnocytophaga Infection.
This is a very rare infection, but we mention it here because it is so dangerous if it develops. There is no common name for this infection, which is caused by the bacterium Capnocytophaga canimorsus. Most of the people who have become infected were bitten by dogs; in many instances the bite wounds themselves were tiny and would not have ordinarily called for any special medical care. But Capnocytophaga can cause septicemia, or blood poisoning, particularly in people whose immune systems are compromised by some underlying condition (see box below). Up to 30 percent of people who have developed this septicemia have died. People who have had their spleens removed are at special risk for this infection. Early symptoms may include nausea, headache, muscle aches, and tiny reddened patches on the skin.​
Most of the above condition are very rare. Of course, anything can happen at any time to anybody, anywhere.

Bites from humans or animals should always be considered "dirty", but the reason they are difficult to treat is because they are usually a puncture, not an open cut. Punctures tend to close over and whatever bug is in the wound that shouldn't be can really go to town.

I don't know who this "wise-geek" is but I vehemently disagree with his/her statement that "human mouths rarely come in contact with bacteria". That just is NOT true. We come in contact with bacteria and viruses everyday...and even have bacteria in our GI systems. Why do you think we get salmonella?....from dirty hands to dirty mouths.
I think problems come more from cats than dogs but i have seen bacteria from dog bites kill wildlife and it does happen fairly frequently. I doubt there is many human related problems but its very common in wildlife rehabilitation. Its pretty standard procedure from a veterinary standpoint to give antibiotics to any animal that comes in with a bite. I know when my dog was bitten at the dog day-care their vet prescribed antibiotics to him. Bunnies and birds are the two that seem to most susceptible to the bacteria and die fairly quickly, usually without 24 hours. You can easily find this information on just about any website that deals with wildlife rescues, Audubon website or the like.

I think the comment about human bacteria is just in comparison to what we eat versus what a dog eats. There is more bacteria in feces for example than your PBJ sandwich. My dog eats barf, poop, trash and just abut anything he can manage to get into. He actually stands under my birds waiting for them to poop so he can eat it. I no longer let him out with them, he is a house dog now he just covets the day when my 11 year old son doesn't flush so he can lick the toilet clean.
I am new too. I found this site because I did a Google search to get advice on what to do with my hen.

Half an hour ago I found my dog with one of my hens. The hen has no visible signs of injury but is severely shocked. She is quite wet and keeps closing her eyes. She has some liquid which comes out of her mouth when she gulps; almost as if she is being sick. I have put her in a large cage with straw in the bottom and given her water. I put some garden fleece on top of the cage to calm her.

Is there anything else I can do at this stage please? I think her chances of survival are very slim. The only consolation is that she was a rescue hen three years ago and at least she has had some experience of freedom. The reason she escaped from the rest of the flock is that she flew over the fence. There is no other way she could have got out. If she recovers I will have to clip her wing before putting her back.
As long as the dog did no internal damage her outlook is very good once she gets past the shock. Electrolites in the water will help give her system a boost and help her to get over the shock, they can be found at your local feed store or in a pinch you can use Pedialite diluted by 1/2 or even Gatorade, again diluted by 1/2.

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