Dog Attack....


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 4, 2014
A loose dog got 3 of my chickens, 2 Australorps and 1 Red Sex Link yesterday. Anyways, 1 Australorp had  a a huge 2" gash down to the muscle on its thigh. Howerver, very little blood. I cleaned up the wound and stitched the gash closed with some thread. I put antibiotic ointment on the wound and she is now doing okay.  The other Australorp has no visible injuries but has a a bad limp and is noticeable sullen(rightfull so though).  The Red Sex Link has puncture wounds near her tail that I could not stitch up packed it with antibotic ointment.  All are eating and drinking water. I moved them outside today and under the coop to recuperate since the weather is quite nice here right now.  Is there anything else I can do besides clean their wounds, watch for infection, feed and water them? Anyone else have any other advice on anything I missed? 
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Sounds like you did pretty well and have everything well under control. You seem to have pretty good knowledge of how to properly address wounds. Some electrolytes and probiotics can also help with a speedy recovery if you have any on hand.
Thanks for the advice. I mixed up some electrolytes for them. They liked it a lot.

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