Dog attack


In the Brooder
12 Years
Oct 16, 2007
Hi. I had one killed and one that had all her feathers ripped out from mid-back to the whole vent area. I think she will be ok if infection doesnt get her. I was wondering if the feather stumps will be able to come out on their own. She is eating and drinking good . Had to isolate her from everyone because they wanted to pick at her wounds.Just wondering about the ripped out feather peices, if anyone has any ideas please let me know. thanks.
Hi so sorry about your hen. If I am reading this right...there are stubs left where feathers were broken off? If so....when she molts..they should fall out and new feathers will grow back. If you can...get some BlueKote...Wound will help stop pecking on her injuries. Glad you have her seperated. Make sure you give her some electrolytes for the shock... and keep her warm. Especially now, with feathers missing.
Thanks. Yes feather stumps I dont think they hurt the vent but poop is kinda dribbling down , will check tomorrow or next and maybe soak her in warm water. Just wanting her to not go trough anymore trama than needed. I guess I can get bluecote in the farm supply places? I had two double sized windows screens and put one against the wall as a lean-to. and the other to block the end with her own food water and a little next box. It worked so well that is where I will raise the new ones this spring, plus its in the hen hotel so they can see each other and not be alone. I'll let her out tomorrow as I take the others for their walk and let her eat dirt or whatever they are seeing that they eat outside. Thanks again.
oh and I have a red heat lamp on so her bare hiney wont get too awful cold in the night time. its not below 32f, but cold enough to give her blue butt.
I am sorry for your loss. I had a dog attack many of my girls and my roo still looks like he has a problem. Before the attack he was beautiful now he looks very ruff.......I used blue liquid to cover the feather stubs. Some had blood on them and some did not.....the little fuzzy feather grew back quick but the outer feathers will have to wait until molt. Make sure she does not peck herself. I even used some pine tar a week later to stop the girls from pecking him necked.

Good luck and again I am sorry for your loss.
Big Red's Mom :

I am sorry for your loss. I had a dog attack many of my girls and my roo still looks like he has a problem. Before the attack he was beautiful now he looks very ruff.......I used blue liquid to cover the feather stubs. Some had blood on them and some did not.....the little fuzzy feather grew back quick but the outer feathers will have to wait until molt. Make sure she does not peck herself. I even used some pine tar a week later to stop the girls from pecking him necked.

Good luck and again I am sorry for your loss.

Oh I got the Blue Liguid and Pine Tar from my local Co-Op​
Thanks for the info, Ill check on getting stuff in the A.M. I think the neighbor felt worse than I did, Glad he was so NIce about it. Whatever I wanted or how much it cost, even when so far to offer to have the Jack Russle put down. Well dogs will be dogs, He said it will never happen again. And I was to blame as well I left the gate ajar, so they were as risk. Came up to the house cause I was late getting out to them and they were demanding those tasty morning treats. I thought it was very cool that dfuring the attack they all when in seperations as far from eachother that they could get hit the woods in everydirection, so that only one could get caught at a time, I think they learned from the hawk attacks last month. Lost two in that one week apart. Dangers everywhere! Thanks for being here, you guys rock!

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