Dog attacked my duck


5 Years
Oct 5, 2014
My Dog gOt into the duck pen today at attacked one of my ducks. Fortunately I wasn't far behind and I got there as soon as she got one in her mouth I was able to pry her off really fast, but now my duck is limping. Well he tries to walk and falls over then will just lay there. I touched his leg and he didn't pull away or try to bite me and there is no compound fracture. He just looks like he is in a lot of pain. And he can't walk what can I do?!
He has 2 puncture wounds, but he can't stand up, it doesn't seem like his leg is broken he might just be in shock. But he has a popping noise coming from his rib cage. It's like he is unbalanced. He falls forward.
I posted on the emergencies forum, I will repeat a bit here - clip the feathers near the puncture wounds so you can get a good look, and rinse the wounds well with saline solution or Vetericyn, keep him inside away from flies.

I would let him float in lukewarm water two or three times a day for at least fifteen minutes, not leave him alone at all because with an injury he could have trouble staying upright in the water and drown.

A vet would be best, but I understand that is not always an option.

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