dog eating duck feed

My dogs love the birds feed and their poop too I keep them out of the feed having Dachshunds who would blow up like balloons weight wise. I feed grain free too sometimes I wonder why I bother buying expensive when they seem perfectly content eating poop?
I think our puppy would rather eat duck poop than a big juicy steak. If one of the ducks poops near the fence she manages to get her tongue through the fence and lap it up. So yummy! Maybe I should just let her into the pens in the morning and I won't have to clean them and I'd save on dog food! :sick
Yep. We do fermented feed, and my dogs have eaten some when some feed was dropped outside of the container. It made them sick. They don't really learn their lesson over foods that make them ill and will take a lick or bite if it's on the ground. So we just make sure to keep it away from them.
I don't think it would cause long term sickness or anything, but it definitely upset their system and caused some vomiting and diarrhea that same day.

*edited to add faces of the guilty parties*:

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