Dog got into coop

She was really cute earlier this summer. I had old chicken bedding in a yard trash can in the middle of the yard (this was sprayed stuff so went in the can, not the garden). She kept going to my husband, whining, and going back to the can. She repeated it several times, then tried to stand on her hind legs to look in the can, then went back to him a la "Lassie at the well" whining the whole time and looking incredibly concerned.

We finally tilted the can, as she didn't believe us that there was nothing in there, and she sniffed the bedding and whined at us, and we finally said, "The chickens are in the coop dumb dumb! They're fine!"

She finally let up and went to play. But she was CERTAIN there was a poor chicken trapped in there and was desperate for us to rescue it :gig:lau
We keep dogs in have 4 two hose dogs 2 outside guard dogs none are allowed out if birds are being moved our old girl like 15 yr old german shepard is great around or in them but pyr x golden and black lab are birds dogs hope the pyr x will gow up a bit she sleeps in our screen room cannot run loose

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