Dog issues need perspective

Their dogs should not be on your property if you do not want them to be there. It is your property. YOUR dog does not have to be on a leash on YOUR property. Dogs will defend there property from perceived interlopers. Dogs will naturally defend their territory. Does your dog run onto your neighbor's property to attack their dogs? Your neighbors need to keep their dogs on their property.

I would go talk to them about possible vet bills and the danger and distress to your children and request thier dogs stay off your property. The dogs have no business on your property.

I don't know about PA law, but if it was TX and their dog bit you or one of your kids and you decided to sue, you would OWN them.

I have driven through PA several times and have always wondered about the lack of fences in many areas and subdivisions. Are there deed restrictions, or something, about fencing? Or is it not perceived as so crucial as it is here in the south?
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I agree with everyone who says to talk to the neighbor first, after all its their dogs on your property. Even though you dont have a dog warden you can call your local police, my neighbor did every time a chicken or dog steped foot on his property. The funny thing is the cop that comes has chickens too. All i was told was I had to have control of my dog on my property. So every time his dog wonders onto my property I dont call the cops I just take pictures. One day my boyfriend was working on his car and when he turned around the dog was 4 feet from him staring at him. He doesnt growl or anything I just dont like to look he gives us. Try to work it out with the neighbor if you cant, 2 things I know work.... a paint ball gun and a spray bottle of Listerine and water, that was told to my aunt by a dog trainer. Squirt him in the face, it wont harm him but he wont like it.
If the neighbor will not confine the dogs then I would probably use some bear mace on them the next time they tried to attack.
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It depends on the township. Ours is anti-fence. You can do it but they turn it into such hassle and it has to be so far in on your side of your property it engenders other issues down the road.
Besides most in this area do the underground electronic fence. DH and I have talked about it...... but ten acres still needs lots of fence.

DH said he agreed with me, this last attack was over the line and he is going to go talk to them Friday when he knows he and they are home.

I am not going, I don't do well in situations where I think I am threatened. - Looks like the dog comes by it honestly!!
Just to throw this out there. One of my neighbors' dogs was loose and went in another person's yard and was severely attacked by that person's dogs. The attacking dogs ended up being officially declared "dangerous dogs" even though they were in their own yard when they attacked the other dog. Their owner was forced to pen them up. Then they ended up getting out and being confiscated and put down. I don't think it was really fair since they were in their own yard when the attack happened, but they were loose so maybe that is why. I think they had also previously killed or hurt a cat, but I don't know if it was on their property or not. Just something to think about if you know your dog is aggressive. I don't know what the laws are where you live with regard to that. You might want to check.
This is the law in many places. Another reason fencing other people's dogs OUT makes sense.

You can probably run an electric string around your property for even less than invisible fence. One line at nose height, one a little higher.
I have 6 acres so I know it just isn't possible to fence in all 10 of your acres. Unless we win the lotto it just ain't gonna happen.
Their dogs are ganging up in a pack manner. They will attack anything as long as they think they are a pack. While it may be just your one dog now, it won't be for long. They are also a threat to your poultry as well as your children and self.
I am glad your hubby is going to go talk to them. Friday can't come soon enough IMO.
I also would get the bb gun or paint ball gun and use it until then. You have to be close to use mace.
just be polite and tell them you didn't mind the dogs being over there until all the dogs caused problems with each other. then mention you are concerned about one of them getting hurt.
If you mention 'all the dogs' and show concern for the dogs, it might not put your neighbors on the defense. talking about the dogs won't make them feel like you are accusing them of being terrible owners, which i do not feel you are doing at all.
hopefully it will be resolved.
Wow. I don't think that would happen in Texas, but I could be wrong. Dog laws are getting stupider all the time, esp in the east and NE.
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