dog mange and humans (sorry so long) UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry to hear of your skin issue.

A word of caution: When I adopted my dog from the SPCA, I had to sign a contract that if I did not want the dog, I had to return it to them. I was not allowed to rehome her.
You have been given a lot of good advice here. It DOES sound like you were the unfortunate recipient of sarcoptic mites, sorry. The good news is it is treatable with QUELL, wich the doctor should have written for.
QUELL is a lotion, probably has many different names, but they all do the same thing- you put it ALL OVER, and leave it on for 24hours. This sufocates and kills the mite. The bumps won't go away for a while longer, though.
I have seen this a time or two in the ER, as well as my dad getting them when my brother stuck them with a stray puppy.
Benadryl and topical cortisone will help, but the QUELL should kill it in a couple of days. As for the bedding, as hot of water as you can get, and whatever can't be washed goes into the freezer for a few days. That kills mites of all kinds- including dust mites, BTW. Also works for fleas and moth larvae.

Good Luck, Let us know how you're doing!!
Yup, sounds like scabies. I just went through this with my son. It was hell for him. The medicine the Dr gave him burned his skin so bad and it took 2 weeks to get rid of after the 3 Dr's appointment it took to diagnose it.
Mange in people is called scabies.It spreads like crazy.Little varmits that get under your skin .
I got it from picking up a puppy on the side of the road. A vet kept the puppy for me for a week while we all went through the treatment,including the puppy.
I don't know what to say about the itch.Nothing helped me.It's like poison ivy.
Warn the new owner.
I always learn something new on here! So it's, sarcoptic mites and they cause scabies. Interesting...Tks
I am a little do you know the puppy has mange if you never took him to the vet and he is gone already? If the vet said you had scabies, then it would probably be from the puppy. But, did he tell you it was scabies? If not, then you need to find out what his diagnosis was, and go from there. Scabies looks more like a rash, not like bites. Bites would probably be from the fleas, and you could be having an allergic reaction to the fleas. We are allergic to fleas and it causes a fine rash with larger flea bites. If you are having itching, you would think the vet would have given you something for that. I would call the doctor back and 1) find out the diagnosis and 2) ask for something for the itching.

Good Luck!

The same thing happened to me when I adopted my frenchie-chihuaua mix (that's not how you spell it)
I still cannot believe my hubby never got it. I think some people are more suseptible than others. I slept in the same bed with my hubby for three days before I finally figured out something was taking over my body
He never got it. My dog and I were both treated and recovered nicely. The doc was puzzled by my story and doubted that I got it from a dog. She gave me the medication you would give someone with scabies and it worked. But I did my own research online and found out that, yes it was mange that was transferred from my new fuzzy friend
That sounds like what you need. You can take benadryl to help with the itching. Are you sure you were allergic to the permethrin or was it just burning? Your skin is sensitive right now, and it might burn some. The benadryl and prednisone will help that.

Permethrin is a natural insecticide. That is what is killing the mites that are in your skin.

Prednisone is a steroid and that helps with the redness and swelling.

The Benadryl will help with the itching. You should probably take that. If you can't take the benadryl, call the doctor back and ask for vistaril. It probably won't work as well as the benadryl, but it is worth a try.

Good luck! Glad to hear you are feeling better!


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