Dog with leg lump (cyst)

gimmie birdies

Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Feb 12, 2013
Eastern WA

Hi, My dog Duke is almost 12. (Greyhound /German shepherd.) We found a lump on his knee the other day. It is not a callous from laying outdoors. It is the size of an eraser, and is has no hair, (not a tick.)

It is about the size of a tick, but not one. (His hairs are growing on it. Not many but some.) It is on the front of his back knee. It is not on the bone, but on the skin. Not under the skin.
I watched a video on lumps and they said keep an eye on it, to see if it grow, or is fast growing. He also said it could be more serious if they are on the legs.

I had a different dog (lab) that had a lump, took her in and they said it was a fatty growth. Then the next visit it was bigger and the vet lady said I should have brought her in sooner. Which made me mad so I took her to a different vet. And they said because she was 14 they didn't want to operate. Since her hind legs were giving out also we put her down. This is not the case in the above, situation but you can see why I am concerned about any lump.

Just wanted feed back on what you see, or if anyone has experience with dog lumps.
This is normal for older dogs. It's something that happened suddenly to my dog who's almost 12 and he's a border terrier. As long as no puss or other things come out of it it's kinda just a skin tag that they get when they age I can give a picture to show you. Also watch how big they get, as that can be a sign of a problem as well.

Just don't pick at it and make sure he doesn't pick at it because they do have a blood supply and will bleed if cut. Trust me my dog Ozzy cut his a month ago and let's just say it wasn't pretty. He's fine Incase if your wondering and I'm sure your dog will be okay as well.

Side note: "You should probably go to the vet to see if that's an okay bump, just to be sure"

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