Dogs Attacked Chicken---Now Two Missing


7 Years
Jun 7, 2012
Yesterday my dogs attacked one of my hens. I got her away and brought her to the coop only for her to run away. Now she and another hen are missing. Obviously they were scared by the dog attack and ran to hide. But now they won't come back. Any suggestions on how to find them?
When one of mine got attacked by our dog she ran and hid in a hole under an enormous pile of sticks. I had to pull her out but idk how long she would have stated in there if I hadn't. As for yours how bad was the attack? If it was bad then she might have ran away and then died. Or the two hens moved on to find a safer home. Hopefully they stook around and are just hiding. Have you tried calling them? Maybe you could put your dogs out of sight for a littld bit. Besides that you can only hope that after a while they'll come back
I've looked everywhere I can think of. The attack didn't look too bad, but I didn't get too good a look because she ran off before I could. I'm hoping they'll both come back. These were two of my newer chickens (have only had them about a month), so they really could be anywhere at this point.
I'm glad to hear you found gives me hope!
Just wanted to give an update. I thought for sure my chickens were gone for good. But a week and two days after they went missing I went down to the coop (to close the other chickens up after free ranging) and there were my two missing chickens! I have NO idea where they went for so long, or how they survived, but they are back. :)

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