Hello and sorry if there's another thread on this topic, I've had a look and couldn't find anything like it. Anyway, I am a dog owner who is seeking any and all info from dog owners on your training methods, successes, failures, experiences, etc....
Anything you're willing to share that might enlighten or help someone else, please feel free to post! I know there's some dog rescue experts getting around these forums, so I'm hoping they will share their experience and wisdom here.
I have a few basic and standardized questions. They're generalized so feel free to answer any, all, or none; any input is appreciated.
A topic like this will potentially bring people into conflict so if you don't agree with what someone else says, please don't get angry or offended about it, but debate it calmly or please ignore it if you can't. My thanks to anyone who participates.
Sample Questions:
#1: What are your 'golden rules' concerning defining what a 'good' dog is?
#2: What are your 'golden rules' concerning what to never do with/to a dog?
#3: What are your 'golden rules' concerning what to always do with a dog?
#4: What are your 'golden rules' concerning what behaviours you would get rid of a dog for?
#5: How do/did you deal with a dog showing intent to hunt livestock/pets?
#6: How do/did you deal with a dog growling at you or other people it shouldn't?
#7: How do/did you discipline your dog?
#8: How do/did you rehabilitate a frightened/beaten/aggressive/stock-chasing dog?
#9: How do/did you obtain and maintain alpha/pack leader/dominant status?
#10: How do/did you train a dog out of the following behaviours:
a) Den defense/possessiveness (whatever you deem it)
b) Food/toy/object-related aggression/defense
c) Small dog/other animal related aggression
d) Distrust/dislike of other people/children/animals
e) Fear of: (whatever)
Feel free to discuss anything concerning dogs, on/off topic, whatever, I'm just hoping to get some good info firsthand. I've read many books on training dogs that haven't given me much of use. I'm also keen to hear about what breed/breeds/mix of breeds you've kept, what diet you kept them on, what health issues they encountered, etc... Any info!
Anything you're willing to share that might enlighten or help someone else, please feel free to post! I know there's some dog rescue experts getting around these forums, so I'm hoping they will share their experience and wisdom here.
I have a few basic and standardized questions. They're generalized so feel free to answer any, all, or none; any input is appreciated.
A topic like this will potentially bring people into conflict so if you don't agree with what someone else says, please don't get angry or offended about it, but debate it calmly or please ignore it if you can't. My thanks to anyone who participates.
Sample Questions:
#1: What are your 'golden rules' concerning defining what a 'good' dog is?
#2: What are your 'golden rules' concerning what to never do with/to a dog?
#3: What are your 'golden rules' concerning what to always do with a dog?
#4: What are your 'golden rules' concerning what behaviours you would get rid of a dog for?
#5: How do/did you deal with a dog showing intent to hunt livestock/pets?
#6: How do/did you deal with a dog growling at you or other people it shouldn't?
#7: How do/did you discipline your dog?
#8: How do/did you rehabilitate a frightened/beaten/aggressive/stock-chasing dog?
#9: How do/did you obtain and maintain alpha/pack leader/dominant status?
#10: How do/did you train a dog out of the following behaviours:
a) Den defense/possessiveness (whatever you deem it)
b) Food/toy/object-related aggression/defense
c) Small dog/other animal related aggression
d) Distrust/dislike of other people/children/animals
e) Fear of: (whatever)
Feel free to discuss anything concerning dogs, on/off topic, whatever, I'm just hoping to get some good info firsthand. I've read many books on training dogs that haven't given me much of use. I'm also keen to hear about what breed/breeds/mix of breeds you've kept, what diet you kept them on, what health issues they encountered, etc... Any info!