Doings today?

That's wonderful about the bunnies and toy poodles! I think it's very sweet of you to buy your mom that dog. They cost too much money, I own one myself! He's a standard, not a toy though. I did have two toys in my rescue a couple of months ago. They were the sweetest and funniest dogs I have ever known! Really a daily joy to have them, but they went on to better and more loving homes. Besides, my standard is a puppy, and he was just too rough with the 5 lb poodles!

Today I get to write my final paper in my 1600 to 1800 World Literature class. It's 15 pages! I am not excited about that in the least. After that, I get to write another final paper (only 4 pages this time!) and study for my Communication Theory final, and my Statistics final! But then I get all the rest of the summer to be with my chickies and my dogs, and plan my wedding.
Oh my goodness everyone, thank you for sharing your daily doings on here, it is indeed interesting to hear about what other people do in their everyday lives..I think so anyway. There are a lot of folks studying and going to school and others working all the time, others still trying to deal with solutions to problems and troubles, yet through it all everyone seems to be joyfull and looking forward to something.

Today I am home with s stomach bug I would rather not share with the other staff at work or our patients either. I have missed only 1 other day of they know if I am not there..I am sick. I am feeling better right now and will be trying to do a few small things around here today. My hens are out in the run enjoying the beautiful weather right now...they are laying in the sun snoozing, their egg laying done for the day.
My daughter put bread makings in the breadmachine before she went to school so the house smells nice. I have a few flowers to put in the garden that were on special this weekend and I really need to get out there and plant them. (not till I feel better though).

I had to deal with a horrible situation with my neighbor..he is just awful and I think that might have stressed me out enough to lower my immune system enough to end up with this bug. He brought home a pit bull completely untrained unmannored and out of adult unnuetered male a few weeks ago, we share a backyard fence between our properties..well the darn dog was always at the fence challenging it etc..but it was secure. Well the darn man had some 'down on their luck' relatives move in along with their 3 pitbulls...omg..( I thought I would never use that) well within a few hours of them moving in they completely tore the fence was a good chain link fence too. We had a huge blow up shouting match while trying to corral their dogs out of our yard..not a pretty scene. He had no money to fix the fence, no job, neither did the people who's dogs did most of the damage either. SO to keep my children pets and family safe I had to spend 1700.00 on a new fence..if those dogs come near it I will put hot wire on it..I am done. This man has cost me thousands of dollars in the past because he won't take care or control his animals. The sheriff/police have been to his house so many times I don't know why he is out of jail now. He shoots his own cars/trucks with his 357 when he gets mad..his place is FULL of garbage and junk and tons of dog poop..he never cleans up. He is in a word gross. Now there are 4 pitbulls over there none of them a big cesspit of a yard...oh and when he saw we had chickens he said if we had a roo (which is illegal in our city) he would report me..I did laugh at him and told him to go ahead..#1 we don't have a roo and #2 when the city sees what a mess he has going on over there AGAIN he will be the one paying fines. The house he had on the property before was condemned and the fire department burned it down in a controlled burn..what he has on it now only a few years later needs to be torn down. I could go on and on..but lol I think I already have..sorry, but thank you for letting me vent.
I wouldn't worry about the pitbulls too much, being untrained and not altered, they will kill each other.The stupidity of people astounds me. Buy a dog known for, at the very least, being dog aggressive, and not alter it and then throw it in with unaltered dogs is a recipe for disaster. If it's all males, then they will get territorial and kill each other. If it's males and females, then they will claim a girl and fight, and kill each other.

I am so sorry that they ripped down your fence. I would definately call animal control and local rescues/shelters. Hopefully they will start to get on his butt for treating the animals inhumanely and he will be forced to give them up. Also, home owners insurance will not allow pitbulls on many insurances. Maybe tell him that? I would also look into ordinances on how many dogs he can have, etc.

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