Donkeys and Ducks


Jan 20, 2020
Southeastern PA
My Coop
My Coop
Does anyone have a donkey or two with or near their ducks? I'm looking into adding some other livestock to our family and hoping to find some that will be a little protective for our ducks. Are donkeys a good match? What is your experience? Thanks so much!
While some donkeys do make good guard animals in general, not all donkeys are good guards.
That said, I have a (and used to have more) guard donkey. BLM burro actually, and he is indeed a good guard. On my current farm it's only him and my horse together for now, with my chickens in a pen to themselves. But at my previous farm I kept chickens, ducks, and turkeys together and they had the run of most of the pastures and much of the barn, including the horse and donkey areas. My barn was an open layout and stall areas were separated by gates or open board fencing so the birds could come, go, and get away from any of the bigger animals at will.
In all the years only one chicken got stepped on by my horse, who is a known klutz so not surprising. My donkeys were and are always careful with their feet and because they are smaller it's easier for them to be careful. Whenever I had ducklings, poults, or chicks I made sure they could not access larger animal areas until momma had taught them how to navigate
such things around the smaller farm animals, or if raised in a brooder, big enough to be among the general bird population.
But again, not all donkeys are immediately good guard animals. Just like all llamas aren't nesseccarily good guards either. Had those too. One was good the other could have cared less.
I am going to have a Fort Knox type of shelter set up but I wanted to have some additional resources for when the ducks are roaming our yard during the day when we are out there too. I don't plan on ever letting them out of their coop and/or run unless we are out there. Predators are my number one priority at this point. If I can have other animals aid in my mission to keep my ducks safe, I'm all for it. Thanks!
I am going to have a Fort Knox type of shelter set up but I wanted to have some additional resources for when the ducks are roaming our yard during the day when we are out there too. I don't plan on ever letting them out of their coop and/or run unless we are out there. Predators are my number one priority at this point. If I can have other animals aid in my mission to keep my ducks safe, I'm all for it. Thanks!
what about an Anatolian shepherd or Great Pyrennes?
I had donkeys with guineas, and they got along really well, but as others have said, not all donkeys will be good guards. I don't even know if my donkeys protected the guineas, but the guineas ate bugs off the donkeys.
donkey guineas (3 of 1).jpg If you are seriously considering donkeys, it's a good idea to learn all you can about keeping them before you start. (Training, hoof care, diet, etc. )
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