don't see my town in the list of ordinences


9 Years
Nov 4, 2014
I don't see my town in the list of ord's here . does it mean we can't have chickens?
I think it means no one has looked up the info. You can look up your town's municipal code/ordinances and see what their stance is. For example, my town isn't there but we have no ordinances against chickens. I just have to have their dwelling 200ft away from anyone else's house. (they don't even say no roosters, but I wno't be pushing my luck)
Couldn't find your municipal code?
Did you try "town name municipal code" in google? because that's always how I find mine. Takes some digging to figure out what is what (chicken are never just chicken, it's poultry, fowl, livestock, depending) but nearly every town has theirs online.
I actually looked at my town site and looked at our ordinance there was all kinds but nothing about raising chickens. Something about keeping wild birds and or keeping eggs but not sure it ment chickens

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