Dosage for amprolium


10 Years
Mar 7, 2009
Round Rock
I bought amprolium (Corid) today, to have on hand in case of cocci. All the feed store had was a big 16oz bottle, with dosages for cattle/calves.

It's a 9.6% oral solution.

Could someone please PM me with info about chicken dosages, so I will have the info handy just in case. Thank you so much! Or tell me a site that has the info. I don't know what sites are trustworthy in regards to this.

Fortunately I don't have a need to use it right now. I just wanted to have the info handy just in case. That's a good idea, to call the company. Thanks!

should be useful as it is specific to the product and its 'official' (FDA).

as should:

The dosage of amprolium for treatment is recommended at .012% to .024%. Which the FDA refers to .012% dosage being 8 fl oz per 50 gallons { or .16 fl oz per gallon or 4.73176 ml per gallon or 1.24999933957 ml per liter}. For severe case you can double those amounts for .024% dosage which is the highest stated dosage in the Vet Manual - I'm guessing thats the highest 'safe' dosage.

BTW: First post - I seem to hit this site a lot when trying to do Home Vet care for my 26+ chickens (originally 40ish 4 years ago) as Vet costs are excessive and I've paid those amounts with no or less than no results plus most Vets in the area won't treat chickens.

Was a royal pain finding the above info as it usually is. So someone might want to cut and paste in into a stickied thread or Chicken treatment guide.

I'm using a 2 liter soda pop bottle as my treatment water container. You are supposed to mix the treatment daily but you can also refrigerate it [just shake it up before pouring].

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