drake feather??


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 24, 2014
Big Rapids, MI
This is my 6 week (approximately) old Pekin's tail. Thus far she has been Layla, but I'm wondering if in fact he is Lyle? Her quack is much quieter than my other 2 Pekins her age, that made me think she is probably a HE, i figured the tail might be a visual give away...

Is that a start to a drake curl I see there?

That's Layla in the middle of the 3 Pekins
The jury is still out - sometimes as they grow, there will be odd little curls in their tail feathers. A drake feather has a more pronounced curl, a definite C or sometimes O.

It can take 5 months or more with some breeds.

Is she quacking? Quackers are girls.
No, Layla is my quiet one, even when separated from the rest she/he o ly squawks softly. The other 2 i can hear crystal clear all the way from my basement.
usually drakes have a raspy undertone, drakes curls take awhile, i knew my call drake was a drake Looooong before that feather! voices give it away much sooner than that.. my pekin are older than yours and it's all voice no signs of drake curls yet.

They are roughly almost 6wks old.

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