Drake isolating female...


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 7, 2014
A week or so ago, I posted about 3 of my ducks getting hit by a truck. 1 survived, but needed care. I had her penned up while we were nursing her back. The rest of my flock seemed in shock from the event and stayed away from her until about 5 days ago. They started laying next to the fence where she was, quacking loudly to eachother. She seemed to be ready to join the flock. I released her, at night they all sleep in their house together. But for the last 2 days my drake keeps trying to alienate her from the flock. He chases her away constantly. He is always just plain chasing after her. It seems as though she is not up to taking him on, and runs away from him. It makes me sad to see this! If he wasn't so handsome, he'd be in big trouble right now. He is the only male I have. Does anyone know how long the adjustment back into the flock may take?
If it is only the drake alienating her, then I would remove the drake from the "peking order", reintroduce her, let all the girls be one flock for a week or so, then I would try reintroducing the drake after that period.

Once one bird is isolated from the flock for a time, then they lose their place in the order. The same thing happened in my flock with my 1st KC when she'd gone broody. After she tried to come back into the flock, the most aggressive drake kept attacking her trying to mate. It was really not a good situation. The best solution for me was to rehome the drake and get her healed. (But I had more than one drake, so that makes a difference) ...

Anyway, remove him, take away *his* rank in the flock, let her back in, try that for a week or so and I bet all will be fine afterward. HTH and please do post updates.
If it is only the drake alienating her, then I would remove the drake from the "peking order", reintroduce her, let all the girls be one flock for a week or so, then I would try reintroducing the drake after that period.

Once one bird is isolated from the flock for a time, then they lose their place in the order. The same thing happened in my flock with my 1st KC when she'd gone broody. After she tried to come back into the flock, the most aggressive drake kept attacking her trying to mate. It was really not a good situation. The best solution for me was to rehome the drake and get her healed. (But I had more than one drake, so that makes a difference) ...

Anyway, remove him, take away *his* rank in the flock, let her back in, try that for a week or so and I bet all will be fine afterward. HTH and please do post updates.
Finally after 2 days I was able to pen them all up. Little stinkers must of known my thoughts because they slept in the middle of the creek for 2 nights! Keeping fingers crossed that I can keep my drake penned up to give the girls a little bonding time and he is nicer to her upon his release!
If it is only the drake alienating her, then I would remove the drake from the "peking order", reintroduce her, let all the girls be one flock for a week or so, then I would try reintroducing the drake after that period.

Once one bird is isolated from the flock for a time, then they lose their place in the order. The same thing happened in my flock with my 1st KC when she'd gone broody. After she tried to come back into the flock, the most aggressive drake kept attacking her trying to mate. It was really not a good situation. The best solution for me was to rehome the drake and get her healed. (But I had more than one drake, so that makes a difference) ...

Anyway, remove him, take away *his* rank in the flock, let her back in, try that for a week or so and I bet all will be fine afterward. HTH and please do post updates.

Well after isolating him for a few days...things seem alittle better. She is tight with the females, but every once in a while our drake pushes her away from the group. Hoping time will correct it now.

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