Drake Penis Turning Yellow


Dec 15, 2020
I've had some issues with my Ancona drake, Bitsy, for the last week. Last Saturday I noticed he was hanging his penis out and doing this pulsing thing with his tail area like he was trying to poop. It was also very warm to the touch and swollen. I took him to the vet and got an anti-inflammatory and a 7-day course of antibiotics. He's still doing the trying to poop pulsing thing, and his poos are normally watery with some urates and sometimes green, so I don't think he's eating at all. Today I took a look at his cloaca and his penis was right there. The end of it has turned a greyish-yellow. It doesn't seem to hurt him... I pulled the thing out and looked at it all over and he seemed okay with it. I'm worried that it's necrotic. He's completely fine otherwise - active, drinking lots of water, socializing.

Should I take him back to the vet? Other than the color, there weren't any other abnormalities like swelling or blisters or anything. I'll take a picture if anyone wants to see it. Thanks for your help. My Bitsy boy has given some scares in his 2 years and this is definitely one of them.
If a vet is an option that would be best. Can you post a picture of his penis while it's pulled out?
He's not hanging it out for the time being, so I'll keep an eye on him and try to get a picture if he pops it back out. The vet really didn't seem that worried about him when I took him the first time (though his weiner didn't look like this) and I'm just not sure that they really know much about ducks.

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