Drakes setting


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 14, 2009
Is it normal for a drake to help set on a clutch?
Last year both the duck and drake took turns, but ultimately she ended up with the majority of the work.

This time around she's being a little fickle and often gets off the nest. He rushes right in, carefully turns the eggs, tucks them in and will set on them for a couple days at a time.
Her daughter also takes turns but the drake kicks her off the nest so he can take over.

Is this normal??
Never heard of this one. Be interesting to see the feedback.
So the drake has taken over completely. The duck has no interest anymore and he pecks at the other girls if they come near the nest. He's very committed and only gets off briefly to get something to eat or drink and carefully covers the eggs until he returns

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