Drama over "sheer" curtains and seedlings.

i tried it once, moving down to florida. i hateddd it. i just couldn't do it. I'm a New York girl through and through haha I couldn't get used to it being warm in December, everyone down south moves so much slower, and there's no hills in Florida, and no real soil just sand, and I didn't think about it until I got down there but the fact that all the trees and bushes and wildlife were SO different really bothered me. I only lasted 3 months.
I've got seed growing on top of my brooder, in a room that's dark all day except for one lamp. And they're VISUALLY growing. I can seriously sit here and watch them grow. So I think you will be ok
(squash grew 2 1/2 inches in 2 days time. Gotta love the heat from their heat lamp haha)
I had a pack of multicolored bell pepper seed. They grew so outrageously fast.. and every single seed sprouted. They're in my kitchen window now, starting on their second set of leaves.

Next year I want to build a nice brooder in my storage building, with shelving over it, so I can start all my seed there.

This is a pic (I know, I'm not great with the camara) ofu what is going to become my son's garden. We went to the dollar store and he got to pick out what he wanted to plant and some pots to go on the path(hay). I also got a small clear shoe box for him to set up his seedlings in. Just cut toilet paper rolls in half and fill with dirt. The box with lid acts like a small green house. He's so interested in his plants and his garden that he's left mine alone for the most part. He's 2 and a half and loves to do everything that mommy does.

As for the seedlings, can you put them on the window side of the sheers? That way they're not messing up the curyians and still get all the sun they need.

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