Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

up at four a m .. annie told me not to nap.
so i didn't. so , i woke up at three a m anyhow.
it was snowing around seven o'clock.
i don't know if it stopped or not.
if we get two inches, i will plow at least
up around the yard.
not much activity in the inbox between
nine pm and four am..
Sorry about your early wake up. I had the opposite experience. I usually wake up in the middle of the night, regardless of napping. I'm thrilled when I (occasionally) can sleep until almost 4. I was shocked to open my eyes and see 3:51 on the clock.

We had blowing-snow whiteouts yesterday afternoon and evening. Now, the cold has begun, and there's more snow predicted for Saturday. So Tired of Winter, and I hate being cold. And shoveling. Again.

Took my friend who fell on the ice to her ortho appointment yesterday. They took off the splint, put her in a boot and will determine in a week if she needs surgery. Also, yesterday I was finally able to buy a couple more plastic chicken waterers (I rotate out frozen ones and let those thaw in the house). And, I discovered that the bank was correct: I do have more money in my account than my poor math skills led me to believe. So, plenty of good stuff Wednesday.
I woke up at 3 a m but got back to sleep in a
little while. slept until almost 8 a m..
still snowing lightly yet. i don't know if there is
enough to have to plow. I will check at noon.
Barely an inch and a half of new snow
good cover for the ice,, not going to plow.
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Under the threat of up to 6-9 inches of snow here. I still haven't cleared all the snow from the last big dump.

It's been a weird week. On Wednesday afternoon, working in a coop and felt a quick, little, sharp "prick" on my left ring finger. No blood. No big deal. Until Thursday, when I noticed a bluish bruise on the knuckle. By nighttime, my finger ballooned up, and I couldn't remove the ring I'd worn since Jim and I got together in 2000; I was never going to take it off. Now, I couldn't!

Did all the recommended things -- ice, compression, elevation. By morning, I was really worried. Called the ER (no help there), urgent care clinic doesn't have a way to cut off rings, finally called the fire department -- which has a ring cutter -- and is blocks away from the clinic. Still no idea what happened, but urgent care said no broken bones, no visible injury -- except the swelling. Sign from the universe that it was time to take off Jim's ring? Maybe.
Maybe you have some weird bugs living in your coop Barb. That must of been scary. Last year I keep breaking out in massive hives head to toe. Never figured out why, but now I keep claritin on hand as I'm allergic to benadryl.

Sorry about your ring. Can it be repaired?
Maybe? Although if the bugs were smart, they would have packed up for warmer climates by now! Sorry about the hives, but thank goodness you can take Claritin. I'm allergic to so many medicines that I try to avoid medication whenever possible.

One of my side hustles for several years was selling fine jewelry. I'm pretty sure the ring could be repaired; it was a very clean, precise cut. But, maybe it is time to take it off. Jim's been gone for about a year and four months. Not looking to replace him, but symbolically, it may just be time to turn loose -- just a little bit.
We don't wear wedding rings, so I never even thought about what I would do. Most of us try not to think about that stuff until we have no choice. I guess see how it feels to not wear it Barb. So sorry.
we don't wear rings either. my ring is in
the strong box along with my father's.
when I was in the army, we didn't wear
rings. we worked around high voltage and
a ring was a good conductor of electricity.
not liking this cold.
Barb, your finger might have gotten an
unnoticed bump or twist in the joint.
My first instinct, Jim, was that I had just bumped my finger against something. I regularly discover bumps and bruises -- and am completely unaware of how or when they happened.

The finger is mostly recovered, which is great because we got more than 6 inches of snow yesterday. And, today it is 0 degrees. Perfect for shoveling, huh?

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