Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the middle of a Wisconsin winter

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You're welcome.
Don't be discouraged at any garden failures either. We all make mistakes, (I just lost all my Indigo seedlings because of stupidity on my part), just dust yourself off, and try again. Failure is a good learning opportunity.

ETA: I swear by Fedco seeds, High Mowing seeds and Dollar Seed, http://dollarseed.com/(from Cortland, NY) Baker Creek seeds, and Johnny Seeds.
I don't buy seeds from grocery or hardware stores. I've had bad luck with them.
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I love Fedco. Don't bother with Johnny's any more b/c they are so over priced. They are also using a LOT of hybrids. And I don't think they've taken the non-GMO pledge. However, I'll continue to enjoy their catalog as long as they keep sending it, b/c it's full of welcome information in the dead of winter. I also use: Seeds Now. Very cheap for tiny packets. Will check Dollar seed.
Oh Dollar Seed is awesome! Plenty of good seed, for a buck. Yeah, what's happened to Johnny Seeds?
Their shipping is too high also. Good seed, but the bulk of my ordering is the other three.
High Mowing is good too, you might want to check them out also. No shipping charges. :)
Thinking about planting some petunia seeds this week, takes about 12 weeks. Otherwise it's so cold right now it's hard to even dream about gardening, well maybe just a little. Still debating adding more fruit trees or growing blueberries in pots. I have two boxwoods that have been in their pots for around 8 years, I probably should repot them at some point, but they are very large and heavy.

Only about 7-8 weeks until it starts to warm up.
Thinking about planting some petunia seeds this week, takes about 12 weeks. Otherwise it's so cold right now it's hard to even dream about gardening, well maybe just a little. Still debating adding more fruit trees or growing blueberries in pots. I have two boxwoods that have been in their pots for around 8 years, I probably should repot them at some point, but they are very large and heavy.

Only about 7-8 weeks until it starts to warm up.

So some chicken addicts also suffer from "plant / tree maths"? Didn't know it could spread!
Any other "maths" issues you'd like to share?

Ummm, yeah, pretty much everything I get interested in I get a little over the top with, can't just have one of something, or two or three,,,,,,Do much gardening in your part of the world?
I used to be into growing unusual chillies when i lived in an apartment, but i currently live in a detached place, but my chickens have kinda snookered my chilli growing. We do have a gardener, so to be honest I do nothing except lop tree branches here and there if i need them for more roosts

Yes, I suffer from plant/seed math too! Last year I had over 100 little herbs, tomatoes, etc started.
I always order too much seed too.

This year I'm going to try to sell some of them. I can sell them cheaper than the greenhouses and Lowes, and they're better quality too.
Wow - thats a lot of herbs and tomatoes for sure - well done you! I brought some mint, thyme and basil seeds back from the UK over two weeks ago, and they are still in their packets - how lazy is that? At least i can grow all year round here in Nairobi, so thats my excuse

I think I will head to the greenhouse today and see what flower seeds I can start inside. The wave petunias cost a fortune here so I may get some seeds for them.

I got one flat of seeds planted and some of the peat pots. I have 3 more flats and did not realize there are 6 dozen holes. I have enough flats that I can use one or two for flowers!

I planted onion seeds, brussel sprouts, okra, 4 kinds of tomatoes and for fun a few radish. I of course planted more then we will need but not being seasoned in starting seeds figured going bigger is ok since some are bound not to make it. Some of the seeds I have say to start only 2 to 3 weeks before last frost so those I have to wait on.

One of the light fixtures I got pops the GFCI circuit. It turns out it is the bulbs themselves. I tried it with known good bulbs and it works so I tried the suspect bulbs in a known good fixture and POP. I think I will just get another whole fixture since that is only 15 bucks while one bulb is 12.

So the question of the day from me.........
Do I leave the seeds without light until they sprout or turn the lights on from day one???

^^^^^^^^^^^^^total newbie question I know.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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