Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the middle of a Wisconsin winter

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Is that because you know I suffer from seed math the same as chicken math.

I may get a few extra panels if they have matching size ones to keep on hand in case any break in the future. Weird size at 30"x57".
Well, my artichoke seedlings are doing well, as are my onion seedlings. I also have some Marigold, Indigo, Marjoram and Savory also sprouting.
I started some tomatoes too, including one called Mountain Magic. The seeds were expensive, and I am hoping it does well. It's a hybrid plant so saving seeds from it would be a bust.

I saw a video on grafting tomato plants, and would love to try it sometime. It doesn't look that difficult.

Right now we still have two feet of snow on the ground, and spring feels far away. Still, we're having an easy winter, so I can't complain too much.
You must not be having that bit of warm up, we have had a few days in the 40's and some ground is showing through. Makes it easier to plan stuff.
My little onion seeds have been sprouting too. I never grew them from seed before so do not know if they are doing well or just ok lol.
I like watching the progress of the little seedlings. The tomatoes are getting real leaves now so that is new.

Been so busy here I have not gotten a chance to take some pics or plant any other seeds even.

Spring will be here soon
I am horrible at remembering to take pics. I just realized I did not do that when I started the seeds. I am bummed as I forgot to water them last night and found many wilted beyond saving this afternoon.

I did find some blooms in my newer flower bed that I had forgotten I planted.

I think they were called either ground iris or orchid iris. Kind of neat they come up so early in the spring.
Very pretty, that stinks about your seedlings, they can dry out quickly.
Today's assessment is that I lost a good 30% of the plants I had started. Only one yellow pear tomato made it, all the brussel sprout seedlings are done for and most of the okra. Such a shame.

I am going to start more okra and direct seed the brussel sprouts. The little lone tomato will have to do. The tomatoes in the larger peat pots all made a comeback so I still have my black krim, early girl and yellow tomatoes.

This time I am setting a schedule to check the plants on my phone so it will help remind me to water.

Snow in the forecast for Friday with accumulation of about 6 inches. May end up being nothing or 2 feet depending on wind pattern. So hard to wait for true spring to get planting.
You should have plenty of time to start some more seeds. If you put them in bigger containers you won't have water as often.
Today a couple of the damaged tiny tomato plants are looking a bit better. I did not go pulling all the wilted ones since they were not laying flat out.

I do plan to start a few replacements as well as some peppers. Yup I am going with bigger pots this time around. The seed starting trays I got did not cost much so I am ok with not using them again. I did find that the garden center near me has 2 inch and 4 inch pots folks can purchase empty. I may get a few and finish out the rest in the remaining peat pots.
Oh peat pots, those are Satan's planting containers, they never worked for me as they were suppose to. That would explain why they dried out so quickly. I use plastic which sometimes can get over watered, but can go longer between watering.

My peppers still haven't germinated, they do take longer than most seeds. Tomatoes come up pretty quick and grow just as quick. I start most stuff in 4 inch pots than transplant. My tomatoes I start in 4-8 inch deep pots, 3 seeds than thin and don't transplant.
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