Dried alfalfa at 6 weeks?


Jul 17, 2020
San Francisco CA
Folks, is it okay to throw in some dried alfalfa for my six-week-old pullets? I want to give them something fun to scratch around for, since all they have now is dirt, pine shavings and crumble, and I’m reading they’re still a little young for scratch. No bugs or grass in the dirt either.

I’m also not sure when to start giving them grit...

just want to “treat” them safely, do whatever I can to make them happy.
By 6 weeks they should be outside and can enjoy bugs, weeds, alfalfa... Give them grit now. I will just give mine dirt and they can get enough large sand and small rocks to satisfy their grit needs.
Are we talking about alfalfa hay bits? That's basically like grass, so they would need grit now, even mixed in with it a little bit. (They don't need grit as long as they only eat their feed - it becomes more important as you introduce other foods.) Other safe treats would be boiled egg, or some small pieces of fruit/veggies, with a little grit sprinkled on top. You can give them a bowl of chick grit, but watch them at first - sometimes they think it's food, too, and will eat too much! I usually just mix a little grit in with their chick starter. You could also try a wet mash with their feed, no grit needed, but mine usually think it's something special!

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