'Droopy' peachick....help


11 Years
Nov 9, 2008
Central Oklahoma
This morning one of my 3 peachicks was droopy, wings hanging low, acting sleepy. I put a drop of bird vitamins in 1cc of water and gave it a tad this morning. Had to run to work. Just got home. Chick is still droopy but alive(which I feared it would not be). I put Sulmet into their water. They are kept indoors, on cut grass bedding. They are a bit over 2 weeks old. Any help or ideas would be great. Should I put Wazine in their water also? Is the Sulmet wrong? They are eating Medicated chick crumbles mixed with game bird growth crumbles. They get finely chopped green leafy lettuce every few days. Thanks in advance.
I wish I could be the one to give you some advice as to how to treat this chick, but I've never had peafowl. Hopefully someone with some experience in this area will chime in here.

Good luck!
Try hard boiling an egg and mixing the white with sugar, electrolyte water. Get it to drink that and see if it helps. It usually helps me out. Add some probiotics if you have them.
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My little peachick is still alive but still slightly droopy. I guess if I had to say one way or the other he might be a tad bid 'less' droopy. I'm still using Sulmet, I haven't heard one way or the other if this is alright for them. Does anyone know, even though I'm using it already? If I'm not supposed to be I can remove it. I'm following the label for chicks and poults. I'm feeding them game bird starter crumbles and medicated chick starter half and half. Is this alright? The person I got them from only fed them chick starter but I've read on here they need more protein. I give them chopped green leafy lettuce every other day. Any help on the meds would be appreciated. I have ben e bac that is used for puppies and kittens. It's a probiotic, would that work? If so how much and how do I give it? Thanks
You need to feed your pea chick straight game bird starter. by mixing game bird starter & chick starter you are lowing the protein level. That could be your whole problem right there - little pea's grow fast and need all the protein they can get.

On the chopped lettuce we don't feed anything other than ground feed until they are ready to go outside.

Steve in NC
I would agree that the straight gamebird feed is better than the mix. The medicated chick starter is primarily for coccidiosis and as long as there aren't too many where they would be overcrowded and likely to be picking thru their own feces I wouldn't worry about that.

As for the droopiness, I would also be on the lookout for how well it is feeding and drinking. A month or so ago I decided to take four peachicks away from their momma because I thought they'd be safer in the brooder. They all died within just a few days. Evidently they just wouldn't eat or drink on their own. I now have 5 running around with their momma and so far so good. Nothing has got any of them yet.

God Bless,

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