Dropped Egg (close to hatching time)


7 Years
May 18, 2012
Hello...one of my duck eggs rolled off of a three foot table and cracked and broke. The membrane is still intact but there is significant cracks and chips. I saw another thread here that said to put nail polish or candle wax on the cracks, should I do that? The mother duck abandoned these eggs and I don't know how old the eggs are exactly. Through my research online and candling the eggs, I think they're going to hatch this weekend. There was a little bit of movement inside the air sac yesterday when I candled them. Would a three foot drop kill the embryo? I am horrified at the thought that the little duck inside the egg is suffering. I don't know what to do. Thanks
Im no expert! not even close but i googled this and found two interesting things, a duck egg that was dropped from higher than that and still hatched (newspaper article) and an expert on another forum advising to leave the egg alone and as long as there is movement it has a fair chance(this one had part of the shell missing but membrane in tact) they said they could hear chirping inside, can you? and to be very careful to use antibacterial wash on your hands before touching it as risk of infection entering through cracks. also said if the chick taers a hole in the membrane but does not emerge to consider helping it out. i dont know if this is any help at all but good luck, hope it makes it.
Thank you all. There are 4 other eggs, due to hatch any day. We decided to leave it and see what happens. How would the cracked egg affect the others? Could it explode?
im not totally sure but i think its because if the egg expires then it lets off fumes that might harm the others. but dont take my word for it!
The cracked egg would only affect the other eggs if the insides were full fo bacteria or rotting. If the ducking died, it's not likely to harm the other eggs for a few days. I agree, leave it to hatch and see what happens.
youll have to let us know if it hatches!
He hatched!!! He's the first one out of five. There are two other eggs that have pipped but have not hatched. He hatched around 8am this morning. He's doing well hanging out in the brooder. I am so happy he hatched, I was so worried that I killed him when I dropped him. He is THE cutest little duck, I guess they all are...ha ha. Thanks so much for all of your help. I'll keep you posted about the other four.

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