Dry fowl pox?


In the Brooder
Nov 1, 2020
Meet Zeus! 3 days ago we noticed a black growth right over his eye. 2days later there are many more. Atleast 3hens have developed these growths. The other 3with them are Sizzles and I can't really tell or find any on them. I did remove them from the enclosure and quarantines them to be safe. There almost 4 months old. Some articles say they can die from these while others say they won't. Also they recommend wet food. Not sure what that means? Soften their laying pellets with water? Give them grower feed with warm water? I have apple cider vinegar already and power punch drench formula. Please advise!


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Looks like fowl pox. No cure. It will work it's way through the flock and then after a bit it will dry up and fall off. Weaker ones might need to be cared for differently. There is creams and eye drops you can use.
For all the birds affected, it would be a good idea to apply something to the lesions to help prevent ocular damage, and further damage, and spread, of the surrounding tissue, and lesions. You can apply a Terramycin ointment to the scabs, or use an antibacterial ointment, or something like Iodine to help dry the scabs out.

if only a few are infected out of the whole flock, it may be good to vaccinate the other birds which can help prevent further spreading and reduce clinical symptoms. Keeping the wateters/feeders clean, reducing mosquito populations, and administering vitamins may also help.

Most birds affected with the dry form of fowl pox turn out fine. The highest mortality is reached in flocks with the wet form which can prevent them from breathing and eating/drinking well.

Here is some info on Fowl pox :

Where you can get vaccines :
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