dry incubating eggs test


8 Years
Apr 9, 2011
so this is my story - I really want bbs and lavender orps, so I ordered eggs, 1st set recieved 14 eggs one hatch, 2nd set 34 eggs 3 hatch, 3rd set I decided to experiment. so thinking I would try the dry hatching method and basically give up! got 24 eggs from my friend of barnyard mix, 12 eggs from my barnyard mix and the 3rs set of bbs orps (14 eggs). I have older sportsman kept water in the 5 gallon bucket and covered up half of my water tray with aluminum foil humidity stayed right at 20% on day 18 layed them down, on day 19 one started to pip upped humidity to 70% and simply walked away from incubator. out of 36 barnyard mix 6 have not hatched yet but one more still pipping ( today is day 21) out of the bbs orps one hatched fine, the 2nd one was real sticky I found it laying on its back stuck to the tray, got it off tray died 2 hours later, the rest of orps have not pipped and dont look like they are going to, now I have not checked for clear eggs at all so out of the entire bunch I have no clue. I will update on the rest of eggs on friday to let you know. However I am totally satisified with the no humidity in the bator love this turnout and real happy. But am disqusted that I really have no orps to speak of because the mail cant handle them properly.
I too had similar issues with a "wet" incubation." I switched to dry incubating and have a 99% hatch rate. It's so much easier! Good to know I'm not the only one who took the chance. Maybe other disgusted folks will try dry incubating also.

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