well yesterday I got curious about my hatch so I open the blue eggs that didn't hatch.
. I got 4 that hatched 1 died sticky chick,
2 unfertile,
6 looked as they if they died 3 / 4 days before hatching.
So the fertilable was good in the blue eggs. Wish I could have hatched them.
6 BC marans eggs from a different person 4 hatched 2 unfertile.
my BCM eggs 23 only 2 of the egges that didn't hatch were fertile.
the rest were yolks still/ 13 I think 10 hatched
I dry hatched I just wonder if that had something to do with the blue eggs not hatching. Humitity stayed at 30 to 45 %
Which method do you use to hatch you marans? Do you mix the marans eggs and the Americana eggs?
I dont candle because I cannot see though the marans eggs anyway.
I eggs I sold to that gentle man he hatch all but 4 marans egg out of 24 he got 20 BCM Now the EEs eggs he only got 1 chick. I have no idea what method he hatched. Should have asked him. Darn.
how do most of you all hatch dry or wet?
Well I am hook found some turkhens eggs Going to try to hatch some of them.
I have never seen a baby turkhen.
But worried about hatching the different eggs together
. I got 4 that hatched 1 died sticky chick,
2 unfertile,
6 looked as they if they died 3 / 4 days before hatching.
So the fertilable was good in the blue eggs. Wish I could have hatched them.
6 BC marans eggs from a different person 4 hatched 2 unfertile.
my BCM eggs 23 only 2 of the egges that didn't hatch were fertile.
the rest were yolks still/ 13 I think 10 hatched
I dry hatched I just wonder if that had something to do with the blue eggs not hatching. Humitity stayed at 30 to 45 %
Which method do you use to hatch you marans? Do you mix the marans eggs and the Americana eggs?
I dont candle because I cannot see though the marans eggs anyway.
I eggs I sold to that gentle man he hatch all but 4 marans egg out of 24 he got 20 BCM Now the EEs eggs he only got 1 chick. I have no idea what method he hatched. Should have asked him. Darn.
how do most of you all hatch dry or wet?
Well I am hook found some turkhens eggs Going to try to hatch some of them.
I have never seen a baby turkhen.
But worried about hatching the different eggs together