Dual-Purpose Flock Owners UNITE!

Well, live and learn for me. There is really no point in a first year like me to take a strong position on anything related to chickens.

It is just scary to consider the space requirements and number of chicks we may have to hatch to get better quality birds in some of these breeds, and of course they are the breeds I like best! I suppose this is why there are so many bantams at shows I suppose, smaller bellies to fill while picking out a winner. We do not want to show at international shows, we just don't want to get kicked out of our local county fair for a disqaulification.

Got up at 5:30 to shift pasture this morning with the son, so you know we've got it bad!
Ya know, I can think of a breed that is fairly close to this, but is in huge danger of dying out. It's called the Lamona. I can't speak for their temperment, not having them myself, but I do know that they lay like a Leghorn, but have a good finish on them once they are mostly done laying (2-3 years) The roos fatten up nicely. They are fairly hardy, and would prolly do well on free range, but would probably need supplemental feed. They are probably not broody, but that is easily fixed by a couple of silkies-gosh, you'd have twice the number in no time. Or an incubator.
Well, with the wyandotte, you get both! THey are some of the most consistent layers I own, and my friends tell me that the roos are tasty! I don't have any Dottie roos, so I can't say.
I am going to try and hatch out a nice number of Wyandottes this spring, and perhaps spring for eating the roos. I have heard of a mystical place near here that butchers, cleans, and packages birds for 1.50 each......I want to find it! Because I don't really want to process 12+ roos at a time, we've done six and it wasn't very fun.
I'm doing dual purpose with my buff orps. They are consistently "recycling" themselves. I have broodies who set and hatch the chicks and then those that aren't laying (or excess roos) go in the freezer. No need for an incubator - they do it all themselves.
Rhode Island Reds are my choice. They been doing it well for over 150 years now.


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