d'Uccle Contest! CLOSED!

Breed: D'Uccle
Category: Hen
Color: Mille Fleur
Gender: Hen
Age (if applicable): 22 weeks
Name (if applicable): Three
Fun Facts or Story (optional): One of three from C Bar D feedstore - straight run and I got all Hens! They are great pets, they chatter while I'm out with them, and their voices are so unique I can hear them best out of 60 others!


Breed: D'Uccle
Category: Rooster
Color: Frizzled Mille Fleur
Gender: Hen
Age (If Applicable): 22 weeks
Name (If Applicable): Mr. Frizzy
Fun Fact or Story (Optional): Mr. Frizzy is such a stud muffin that he now has his own pen with the ladies, and we are going to see what kind of babies they make?? Anyone interested? Keep posted, I'll send you some eggs when they start laying, after I get some too!

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Entry form
Breed: D'uccle
Category: Chicks
Color: Mille Fleur
Gender: Male
Age (if applicable): 10 weeks
Name (if applicable): Peter
Fun Facts or Story (optional): He is a great hubby to his three hens and is a real sweet boy!


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