Ducclelover10's chat thread!

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Random Facts of the Day: (movie theme)
1) in the movie "E.T.", the sound of E.T. Walking was made by someone squishing their hands in jelly
2) in the movie "Mama", mama was played by a man
3) in the movie "In the Heat of the Night", to make a house appear to be burning, they places large oil cans around the houses and lot them on fire.

Oh that sounds cool! My chickens are too old and too stubborn to teach them tricks. I only ever taught my rooster one thing. He always has to sleep on the same spot on the roosts, or he knocks the hens down to get to that spot, and he HATES to be handled. So I taught him to follow the light from my flashlight. I always shine it on the board over the window in their coop, and he jumps up there. Then I shine it on his spot on the roost and he jumps down onto it. I am so proud of myself for teaching him that! Lol
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Oh that sounds cool! My chickens are too old and too stubborn to teach them tricks. I only ever taught my rooster one thing. He always has to sleep on the same spot on the roosts, or he knocks the hens down to get to that spot, and he HATES to be handled. So I taught him to follow the light from my flashlight. I always shine it on the board over the window in their coop, and he jumps up there. Then I shine it on his spot on the roost and he jumps down onto it. I am so proud of myself for teaching him that! Lol

That's cool, our newer flock of chickens are still young enough to teach, but our four year old flock is very stubborn.
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Do chickens have a love for people, or do they only have a desire for food? I read somewhere that they aren't capable of human love. Whenever I call my birds' names from inside the house, they wander aimlessly looking for me. I know that they have social preferences within their flocks, so shy wouldn't they for people?
Do chickens have a love for people, or do they only have a desire for food? I read somewhere that they aren't capable of human love. Whenever I call my birds' names from inside the house, they wander aimlessly looking for me. I know that they have social preferences within their flocks, so shy wouldn't they for people?

I think they can have feelings and love for people. I know my chickens do!
That's what I thought. When my one hen was in my house due to a pecking, I would have to hold her so she wouldn't get lonely and start squawking for her flock.
Do chickens have a love for people, or do they only have a desire for food? I read somewhere that they aren't capable of human love. Whenever I call my birds' names from inside the house, they wander aimlessly looking for me. I know that they have social preferences within their flocks, so shy wouldn't they for people?
I personally think chickens have love for people. Once they trust you anyways. My chickens all love to sit on my legs in the yard, and they love it when I hold them. (most of them do) I think a chicken just needs to trust in order to love. My chickens used to only have a desire for food, when they first came into my care. Until I started spending more time in the coop with them, giving them treats, and feeding them from my hands. Now it's quite obvious that my chickens love me

Considering how your chickens search for you when you call them from the house, I'm sure they love you
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Chickens definitely have love for other chickens, whenever a flock member dies they all quit laying and get depressed.
I think some of them are capable of loving people too.
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