Ducclelover10's chat thread!

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Hi! Probably because I haven't been on much haha. Right now, the internet is out at my house.. Something is wrong with the modem. Then I had this horse fair to go to and I got sick. It's been busy! Glad to be back though :) 

Glad to see you again! It's great that you're feeling better!
I just let mine give up on their own. My Silkie wouldn't come it to eat, so I had to bring her to the food. My EE would eat, and run around for an hour or so. My Silkie went broody for about 4-5 weeks, and my EE for about 3. They finally started laying again two weeks ago!
I ended up doing that for a few of mine as well. When I let two of them go broody (with 2 eggs under each I believe) I had to move them and that was NOT an easy task.. In the process I ended up breaking one of being broody. I just moved her around a lot and I had this extra large cat crate, I locked her in there for a few hours everyday with water, and she decided that was not her thing. I was totally okay with just having one grumpy hen around he coop hehe :)
WOW! I was just sitting here thinking I better check my chat thread, hoping there were new messages! And there were 30! WhatdidImiss?
How's everyone doing today! Im sick...
My older brother got sick, and wouldn't cover his mouth when he coughed, so I caught whatever he has.
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