Ducclelover10's chat thread!

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Did you watch it?
SparkyPatriot is keeping me in suspense! :)
So far, the bratty broody (AKA my jap Akira) is insistent. Sometimes she doesn't even get off the nest for treats! And she's the size of a Serama, so even if I got her fertile eggs she wouldn't be able to cover many...oh well! Hopefully she'll come out of it soon enough.
Thanks everybody!

AracaunaAnnie, bratty broody is a perfect name for my White Silkie, Isabel! She pecks at me when I try to get her eggs, and she is broody ALL the time! I don't know what she'd do if we didn't keep roosters in our flock... she'd never be a mom, and that's her life's dream!
Good morning everyone! got a question here, is there a way to stop my hens from eating there eggs? (other then taking the eggs out when they have layed one) there are three that are really bad for this ( haven't named them yet!) every time they lay a egg they turn around in the nesting box and start pecking at it. is there something i can do?
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