Ducclelover10's chat thread!

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Good morning everyone! got a question here, is there a way to stop my hens from eating there eggs? (other then taking the eggs out when they have layed one) there are three that are really bad for this ( haven't named them yet!) every time they lay a egg they turn around in the nesting box and start pecking at it. is there something i can do?

Good morning! :)

I had a bunch of egg-eaters. I have a very large flock, so it's hard to identify the suspects. With my mom's help, I blew out a bunch of eggs (poke a hole in each side of the eggs, and blow through one of the holes until all the guts are out) and filled the egg up with mustard (chickens HATE mustard!). I placed a mustard-egg in each of the nest boxes. I had to do that same procedure two more times, but finally, the hens (and one of my roosters!) stopped pecking the eggs (they learned their lesson when they pecked and tasted mustard, not delicious eggs!).

If that doesn't work, I'd recommend getting roll-away nest boxes. They are used at battery farms (they are totally humane though). When the egg is laid, the egg rolls away into a little area (the bottom of the nest box is tilted a little bit) where the hen can't peck the egg.

Hope that helps!
okay, thanks! I'll try that!
What's new?

Good morning! :)

I had a bunch of egg-eaters. I have a very large flock, so it's hard to identify the suspects. With my mom's help, I blew out a bunch of eggs (poke a hole in each side of the eggs, and blow through one of the holes until all the guts are out) and filled the egg up with mustard (chickens HATE mustard!). I placed a mustard-egg in each of the nest boxes. I had to do that same procedure two more times, but finally, the hens (and one of my roosters!) stopped pecking the eggs (they learned their lesson when they pecked and tasted mustard, not delicious eggs!).

If that doesn't work, I'd recommend getting roll-away nest boxes. They are used at battery farms (they are totally humane though). When the egg is laid, the egg rolls away into a little area (the bottom of the nest box is tilted a little bit) where the hen can't peck the egg.

Hope that helps!
thanks! I'll try that both of those!
Nothing much. I'm still Cochin-less, much to my displeasure. My favorite Cochin colors are laced, lemon blue, Mille fleur, calico, partridge, red splash, and blue! I like tolbunt polish too. Snugbug, don't you have a tolbunt?

Yup, how do you know that? :)
You have a Tolbunt? You lucky son of a gun.
On a more random note, I cooked a bunch of eggs this morning. Some for me, some for my brother, and some for my hens. So yes, technically I have egg eaters. :D
Nothing much. I'm still Cochin-less, much to my displeasure. My favorite Cochin colors are laced, lemon blue, Mille fleur, calico, partridge, red splash, and blue! I like tolbunt polish too.
My mom and i like cochins to ( she likes the fluffy feet!) i also like rhode island reds and lhomanns. what kind do you have?
I can't wait until June! I'm getting three new pullets! A Golden Sebright, a Porcelain D'Uccle, and a Modern Game bantam! I'm not sure what color yet, it depends on what the breeder finds. It will either be Silver Blue, Lemon Blue, or Silver Duckwing,
I can't wait until June! I'm getting three new pullets! A Golden Sebright, a Porcelain D'Uccle, and a Modern Game bantam! I'm not sure what color yet, it depends on what the breeder finds. It will either be Silver Blue, Lemon Blue, or Silver Duckwing,
That must be exciting!!!!! how many chickens do you have now?
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