Ducclelover10's chat thread!

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I'm in the same boat...I'm lucky to have 6, and the australorp might have to go because of noise...
That's a shame.
My town allows one rooster per person, so noise isn't really an issue for me. In fact, the only noise complaints around here are my neighbor's dogs that bark all day and night.
Two of our big chickens aren't laying anymore, there not nice, and there completely worthless. But we can't get rid of them because they're family and they'll just end up on someones dinner plate.

But if one of them dies, we get to get more chicks!
Roosters aren't allowed, at least in my neighborhood.

I'm so happy you're getting some new pullets! Will they be breeder or hatchery?
Breeder. My other birds are from a hatchery so I can't really show them even in 4-H. The breeder I'm getting these from doesn't actually breed these birds, but she knows people who do. She is getting eggs from them and hatching them for me, and is going to sex them as well (If one just so happens to be a rooster, she said she'd switch it. The question is, do I really want to do that?
). They will probably be a month old when I get them. I must say I'm a bit nervous about the price!
Two of our big chickens aren't laying anymore, there not nice, and there completely worthless. But we can't get rid of them because they're family and they'll just end up on someones dinner plate.

But if one of them dies, we get to get more chicks!
Are they actually biting you? If so, why not just eat them?
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