Ducclelover10's chat thread!

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I agree! We normally do a 10-14 mile hike.. That's about as far as i'll make it haha.

10-14 miles? That's about what I do
I called our local farm store to see if the Porcelain D'uccle chicks were coming in and (LOL) and the person that answered the phone that works there said "Oh, I've never heard of that breed" and she had to look it up in Storey's Guide to Poultry Breeds to know what I was talking about. LOL
I called our local farm store to see if the Porcelain D'uccle chicks were coming in and (LOL) and the person that answered the phone that works there said "Oh, I've never heard of that breed" and she had to look it up in Storey's Guide to Poultry Breeds to know what I was talking about. LOL

I love d'Uccles!! I have a Mille Fluer d'Uccle hen named Ethel, who is my house chicken, a Self Blue d'Uccle hen named Millie, a Mottled d'Uccle hen named Domino, and a Porcelain d'Uccle cock named Temple. Any one have a Flarry Eyed Grey?
I called our local farm store to see if the Porcelain D'uccle chicks were coming in and (LOL) and the person that answered the phone that works there said "Oh, I've never heard of that breed" and she had to look it up in Storey's Guide to Poultry Breeds to know what I was talking about. LOL
You don't like Texas???

The house had dry rot. My family inherited the ranch from when my Grampa died. His horses are being shipped here. I'm happy we aren't moving, the Flint Hills are my home. At least the land is being bought by a rich family who have enough money for house repairs, it won't be bulldozed over to make a shopping mall.
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