Ducclelover10's chat thread!

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That's a nice variety! I have always wanted Silkies. My girls that I currently have aren't so nice to small chickens, so I can't have any bantams. I'd love to have some Silkies and d'Uccles some day. What color Silkies do you currently have?

You should get all bantams instead! I love my bantams and my standards, but bantams always appealed more to me. When I have my own farm, I'm not going to have any standard hens. Don't get me wrong though, I love my Polish and my Orpington!
You should get all bantams instead! I love my bantams and my standards, but bantams always appealed more to me. When I have my own farm, I'm not going to have any standard hens. Don't get me wrong though, I love my Polish and my Orpington!

Next I'm gonna get some Barred Plymouth Rocks! Standard sized, we don't have any more bantam space!
You should get all bantams instead! I love my bantams and my standards, but bantams always appealed more to me. When I have my own farm, I'm not going to have any standard hens. Don't get me wrong though, I love my Polish and my Orpington!

I don't think I could ever get rid of the girls I have now. Some day I might have a bantam coop, and a standard coop though. As much as I love bantams, I would never have the heart to re-home my standard hens and roosters. I've grown too attached to them. Lol
I don't think I could ever get rid of the girls I have now. Some day I might have a bantam coop, and a standard coop though. As much as I love bantams, I would never have the heart to re-home my standard hens and roosters. I've grown too attached to them. Lol

I get it. I was joking. My bantams and standards get along great though. My Orp leads the flock, but my Silkie bullies my Polish sometimes. She can be quite the spitfire!
Don't have any more space for bantams??? Lol. There's always room to squeeze in a bantam!

Nah, we don't have much coop room, and I can't put 1 little bantam in with six other bantams that have been together for 2 years.
Plus, we don't like to buy grown chickens, It brings diseases into the flock.
I'm getting some MeridethXJohn Blehm Line Ameraucanas from a person here in Tulsa!!!
... Okay, you get it: I'm excited.
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