Ducclelover10's chat thread!

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I just got a turkey ( bronze breed) an if one if y'all got a turkey please answer my q's
1 will it lay a unfertailezed egg?
2 do the eggs taste good!
3 life expectany?
4 is chick started a good food for a day old baby turkey?
I just got a turkey ( bronze breed) an if one if y'all got a turkey please answer my q's
1 will it lay a unfertailezed egg?
2 do the eggs taste good!
3 life expectany?
4 is chick started a good food for a day old baby turkey?

We have 4 freeloader pets of the turkey species.
1. If you have a tom, the hen it mates with will have fertile eggs.
2. Yes! Just like a chicken egg, but the taste is richer. Many people who are allergic to eating chicken eggs refer to eating turkey or duck eggs.
3. My oldest turkey lived about 7 years.
4. If you live close to a feed store chick start is good. If not oatmeal....breads....cereals that are grain based, crushed and offered with a water source near by. Turkeys are kind of dumb, a shiny object or pecking with your finger the food that you offer will help the baby peck at the food. Rice boiled until it is soft and swollen is also good. Warmth is needed....so is a place where it can lay for the night. A cloth in a corner, lay the baby in it and cover it with one of the corners, momma covers the baby at night. If it is not calm before dark, hold it in your hands and snuggle it against your body until it calms.

Hope this helps!
I'm adding rules everyone! To prevent us from being shut down.I can't figure out how to edit my original post.


1: No depressing, illegal, or abusive subjects.
2: No asking people any personal information.
3: Be nice.
4: Don't judge what other people 'do' with their chickens.
5: No slaughter talk.
6: Nothing inappropriate.
7: All BYC rules apply.

Any objections?
Why no slaughter talk?? I mean I had meat birds, so what??
(Sorry if I'm being rude)
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