Duck Bedding


Pheasant Obsessed
11 Years
Apr 1, 2008
The Sticks, Vermont
I have my ducks right now on pine shavings. It is gross and I must change it everyday. It gets really nasty if I don't and bugs get inside and probably lay eggs. what should I use instead of pine shavings?
how old are your ducks? are they in a confined small area?? My ducks are free range, and they sleep on either straw or hay in the barn that is on the floor, or they sleep in the grass. I don't have the mess cause they don't go in the chicken house.
I did have them in the chicken house and the big mess was mostly because they mess up the water! they will empty any waterer pretty fast. I have heard of using bottles, the upside down ones you use for rabbits and they are better.
the water is what makes the bedding worse!
I don't use bedding for now. I just hose down their concrete floor every day. Sometimes twice a day. As it gets colder I will use straw and scoop in out as often possible. Mine are in a horse stall that has a concrete floor so I never used it for the horses anyways. And their pool fits right in the stall with them so I know right now bedding would just get totally soaked but when it gets colder pool will come out and bedding will go in.
Mine free range during the day and sleep in their 8x10 barn each night..
I use pine shavings and put their waterer down in a feed pan so they don't get the floor so wet...
I use a shovel and scoop the barn out every 2 weeks...
messy but worth it!
Well they sleep at night, but I sleep in some days. I put their feeders and waterers on tin pie plates. It works to keep all of that bad stuff out of the brooder.

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