duck bites me

Emma Delgado

5 Years
Aug 2, 2014
Hello I have a magpie duck and he is leaving me marks and biting me and it really hurts. Would any of you know what I can do so he can stop biting me. Anything will help.
Hello I have a magpie duck and he is leaving me marks and biting me and it really hurts. Would any of you know what I can do so he can stop biting me. Anything will help.
these may be love bites haha but yeah they hurt, you're going to need to do Some training it may take a little while but results will be satisfying. The next time he bites you gently tap his beak and say "no skin" I have been reading up on this subject a lot because I have kids and don't want my duckie hurting them either! By saying no skin in a stern voice of coarse he will connect the word skin to what he is doing just saying no is too Vague and he may not understand as quickly Hope this helps :)
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