Duck briefly ill and quickly dead-- what was wrong?


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 20, 2014
We have a small flock of ducks, less than a year old, and this morning we found one of them sitting in the yard, not walking around with the others. She was very sluggish, wasn't eating, wasn't eliminating, and if you put your ear really close to her nostrils she was snuffling a little bit. We figured maybe she was egg bound, so we soaked her in epsom salt and did our best to keep her warm and separated in a small cat carrier. A few hours later, they found her dead.

I tried researching, and can't figure out what was wrong with her. There were so few symptoms that it's really hard to know. This has happened with our chickens so many times, and now a duck..... ugh. I'd really like to stop losing my flock without being able to help them.
We have a small flock of ducks, less than a year old, and this morning we found one of them sitting in the yard, not walking around with the others. She was very sluggish, wasn't eating, wasn't eliminating, and if you put your ear really close to her nostrils she was snuffling a little bit. We figured maybe she was egg bound, so we soaked her in epsom salt and did our best to keep her warm and separated in a small cat carrier. A few hours later, they found her dead.

I tried researching, and can't figure out what was wrong with her. There were so few symptoms that it's really hard to know. This has happened with our chickens so many times, and now a duck..... ugh. I'd really like to stop losing my flock without being able to help them.
Do they have access to foraging or are they penned? asking because I am wondering if she may have eaten something poisonous[Botulism] How are the rest acting? although she could have been egg bound or had an infection just hard to know with out an autopsy. And most of us don't do them on our birds when one dies. There is also hardware disease I'll get you some info and also the flush thread in case any more come down sick you'll have the info available.

So very sorry this happened. flushes have to be followed according to direction.
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yes, they free range in a medium-large pen. It's pretty well torn up, but maybe she got into something. I didn't think to give her charcoal until it was too late. :(

thanks so much for the info!
yes, they free range in a medium-large pen. It's pretty well torn up, but maybe she got into something. I didn't think to give her charcoal until it was too late. :(

thanks so much for the info!
Your very welcome. Be sure it's activated charcoal from a pharmacy in the antacid isle.

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