Duck doesn’t look okay

I separated my female Peep from my drake Nibbler for the past few days while her foot heeled. They are inseparable and, even though they could still see each other, they were both not themselves. Her foot is looking fine today so I put them together in a kiddie pool I got for them and they just huddled up together and chilled out and when I put them in their pen they have been laying next to each other all afternoon

They have a strong bond and were depressed being separated even when they could still see each other so your girl, sounds like they had a similar bond with the drake, is probably missing her mate
Yeah...I feel bad for her, but our poor hens had bald necks. We gave our drake (aflac) to someone who lost three out of their four ducks....and don’t worry it’s a boy so no over mating or mating in general for Aflac 😂
Hello, I have a female duck who is just not looking the best. We had to get rid of a drake that was her mate because he kept picking on our other ducks. Her is closed and her beak is super pale and she isn’t following the rest of the ducks like she used she depressed? Is she sick? What can I do to help the poor girl? Any advice would be appreciated!

A good sign that a bird is sick.
If she were mine, I'd set her in a dog kennel located in a warm, quiet, stressful free place. I would closely monitor her behavior, feces, and start weighing her on a daily basis for any sign of weight loss. Offer nutritional support, and see if she starts to act better.

The problem is most avian owners wait until their bird are critically ill, and by that time arent able to be saved, birds have evolved to mask their symptoms (masking phenomenon) so when they are showing the slightest sign of being off, action should be taken immediately.
A good sign that a bird is sick.
the eyes being closed like that is a sign as well.
I don't believe they would do that just from being sad.
They hide illness pretty good so chances are good she's already pretty sick.
Now what you can do about it is another story.
First I would do as suggested and find a place you can pen her to observe her symptoms a bit better.
If she were mine, I'd set her in a dog kennel located in a warm, quiet, stressful free place. I would closely monitor her behavior, feces, and start weighing her on a daily basis for any sign of weight loss. Offer nutritional support, and see if she starts to act better.

The problem is most avian owners wait until their bird are critically ill, and by that time arent able to be saved, birds have evolved to mask their symptoms (masking phenomenon) so when they are showing the slightest sign of being off, action should be taken immediately.
Lol...replied before I read this.

*I second this post...😂

Isaac explains things much better than I do.
Hi, there! :frow

Just checking in to see how your bird is doing. Updates to these type of threads are quite useful for people in the future experiencing the same problem.

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