Duck drinking rain drops?


This past summer our girls would go fly hunting. It was hilarious watching them stalk flies and/or nip them from the air. One duck was particularly adept and had a pretty high success rate.
Mine excelled in catching grasshoppers, i hope they will not forget this skill during the winter. Sitting patient in the grass, waiting for the hoppers to approach and then stroke like a snake.
Raindrop catching is a common pasttime. On got days in summer, I put the hose on shower and let them catch the "rain"
:hitMy Duckies hate the garden hose! They sit in their pool, getting wet from below and if i turn on the garden hose and let it »rain« they start screaming and run away…
Real rain on the other side they love, catching raindrops and drilling bill-holes. :idunno

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