Duck eggs under a chicken?


Mar 26, 2020
I had a hatchery Rhode Island Red go broody! I was very surprised. I don’t have a rooster, so she couldn’t hatch chicken chicks. I did have fertile duck eggs, though, so I put those under her about 25 days ago. The eggs pipped last night and I’m afraid the humidity isn’t high enough under her to keep them from shrink wrapping. Will it be okay or do I need to do something?
They should be fine. I have raised/hatched many ducklings under chicken hens with no problems or intervention on my part other than an initial candling around 7 days.

Here she is with her babies! Two hatched while I was at work today. Unfortunately one died while trying to hatch. There is still one more on the way!
They should be fine. I have raised/hatched many ducklings under chicken hens with no problems or intervention on my part other than an initial candling around 7 days.
Ok, good. They just started to zip this morning, so I’m very excited!

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