I have a pair of Pekings who should have been in the freezer months ago, but they are so darn funny and sweet that they have had a stay of execution. The hen lays an egg almost every morning
Next spring I am going to order a few runner ducks because I hear they are good layers.
jackie- I sure wish mine would go broody! When they first started laying I had high hopes of them hatching out more little meat ducks that of course would NOT be cute and who would end up in the freezer. *sigh* oh well, duck eggs are good for baking so I will just make due, or make a bator
I have a runner and pekin. My runner lays an egg every morning without fail. My pekin is a drake and is very loyal to the the runner. The only times they are seperated is when my runner is laying...then the drake is only a few feet away keeping watch.
Unfortunately I need to sell them. I think they would be happier with more room and with winter coming I am not sure what to do. They are soooo cute together and will run to you anytime you enter the yard.