Duck Enclosure Stinks

The drier you can keep it the better it will smell. Also your run sounds very closed up with tarps on all sides, which will keep in moisture and smell. Perhaps you can roll the tarps down from the top to open it up some. In winter I only give bathing water periodically. I also like to give the water in a location other than the small run near their house to minimize the wet mess. You will likely need to remove ALL the straw periodically and replace with new.

We open up the one side during the day & it’s where they like to sit & look out when we don’t let them out to explore. It’s also where they like to go to the bathroom.

We also have gaps at the top between the panels & the roof. There small enough to be safe while providing ventilation.

We do let them have water, two heated dog bowls, 24/7. It’s close to where they go to the bathroom.
We open up the one side during the day & it’s where they like to sit & look out when we don’t let them out to explore. It’s also where they like to go to the bathroom.

We also have gaps at the top between the panels & the roof. They’re small enough to be safe while providing ventilation.

We do let them have water, two heated dog bowls, 24/7. It’s close to where they go to the bathroom.
I have used straw. . not a big fan of using it exclusively.. It gets really slippery when wet. . and hard to clean up.
I use pine shavings. . you can stir it up and add a clean pine shaving layer for quite a while before you will have to totally replace it.
I do scoop up the worst of it. . . then stir up the rest and top it off.
Keeping things as dry as possible also helps. . but very hard to do with ducks.
Pine shavings absorb a lot more moisture than straw will.
40s during the day & 20s @ night. Some blowing snow but it isn’t sticking yet. 20 MPH winds much of last night.
I have used straw. . not a big fan of using it exclusively.. It gets really slippery when wet. . and hard to clean up.
I use pine shavings. . you can stir it up and add a clean pine shaving layer for quite a while before you will have to totally replace it.
I do scoop up the worst of it. . . then stir up the rest and top it off.
Keeping things as dry as possible also helps. . but very hard to do with ducks.
Pine shavings absorb a lot more moisture than straw will.
Thank you!! I’ll have to give it a try! ❤️
We have a 10’ x 10’ dog kennel for our duck enclosure. We have fortified it with hardware cloth, which is 4’ high, and extra heavy duty tarps on all sides. We also have a roof made out of tarps and a metal kennel cover to help keep everything in place.

My husband made a three sided enclosed area made out of wood for them to hunker down in @ night. It’s in a corner of their enclosure.

In the summer we used river rock for the flooring & we had a 40 gallon stock tank for them to swim in. A weeks ago we had a cold snap with snow & freezing temps so we quickly switched everything over to winter:we covered up their indoor stock tank and we laid down straw over the river rocks so it’s all comfy & toasty inside.

We have been adding straw on a regular basis & then removing as much wet straw as possible. The enclosure still stinks though, and we have some long months up ahead, so I’m wondering if there is anything else we can do to help cut down on the smell. Thoughts?
Are you making sure there is proper poop gives off ammonia which can be toxic if there is not enough, I personally would rather have cold ducks than dead have to clean out the straw daily...sorry to say, but that’s basically like a barn and,,in a barn. You clean daily...ducks don’t need to swim in the winter’s just going to make everything damp and stinky..I’ve read a ton of posts on here where people even used plastic totes and put holes in them so the ducks can get their whole head inside...but, can’t mane a terrible mess..we plan to marm warming boxes..we are heating our barn water so we don’t want it too hot or too cod for them, so we’re making simple wooden box toppers with holes so it keeps the heat in and from freezing longer. Another tip to prevent freezing..fill a water bottle full of salt and seal it, place in their water...salt water freezes slower..hope this helps

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